I'm going to have to say WEREWOLVES

Dec 01, 2010 16:17

Honestly, I can tolerate vampires in fiction, specifically in YA. Vamps are no longer vicious, blood-thirsty creatures of the night. Nowadays, people associate them with hawt underwear models with glitter and super special powers. Vampires are practically the token Gary Stu (or Mary Sue) of a novel. And yet I can still tolerate that. It's redundant and annoying and way too much like Twilight but I can tolerate it. At least they're human. Or were, at some point.

Werewolves are just... no. Maybe in a regular horror/thriller/mystery novel they're okay, but I get the feeling that there are hardly any books involving werewolves like that anymore. Werewolves, from vicious and hateful, have become a love interest for a dull-as-a-shovel main protagonist. *cough*Maggie Stiefvater*cough*

Vampires as a love interest, that I can get. I can see the appeal. Vamps have that seduction prowess that dates back into Dracula's time. There's also the whole I-want-to-suck-your-blood-but-I-don't-want-to-because-I-heart-you concept that we're all too familiar with. But with werewolves... I just don't see it. All I see is bestiality. And I don't find that appealing at all. *shivers* I mean, c'mon. Even if that werewolf can transform into an Adonis-like god, he's still, deep down, a ball of fur with fangs and blood lust. He's a freaking animal. Literally. What's more is the fact that most werewolves in fiction (YA) are the faithful 'pets' of the main protagonist. And having your beloved pet become your love interest is kind of... well... just wrong.

Werewolves aren't that interesting either. They turn into wolves. Yeah, okay, anything else? At least vampires have a sort of interesting mythos. Werewolves are just... meh.

theme days, vampires or werewolves day

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