Are you guys sick of Pike yet?

Sep 29, 2010 00:23

If not I have another bookfail for you.

Thirst No. 1: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, Red Dice

If you recall from the "The Secret of Kaka" debacle a few posts back, one the members of journalfen's unfunny_fandom community, atdrake (thanks, dude!) discovered and screencapped this gem:¤t=BriteReviewThirst.png

okay, if you're done laughing, we can continue.

Unfortunately (for us, fortunately for the book-loving world) the above as well as all the other Christopher Pike reviews written by all three Pike-Puppets have now been removed except for the "Secret of Kaka" ones.

As I was reading through the rest of the reviews I stumbled onto this one written by yet another woman who questions Pike's racial expertise (Namely that she had a hard time believing that a person described as looking like the Norwegian looking supermodel on the cover could possibly be an Indian from 3000 BC):

By Karyn L "avid book reader"
This review is from: Thirst No. 1: The Last Vampire, Black Blood, Red Dice (Paperback)
I had to suspend disbelief a couple of times in reading this book. First was accepting a blond and blue eyed vampire whose place of origin is India. Second was the same character, described early on as 5000 years old, impossibly rich, massively intelligent, and super strong falling in love with your average American teenager. Even so, the book did keep me interested enough to finish. Being a lover of all things mythology, the author peaked my interest when he decided to include some eastern Indian mythology into the book. Altogether an enjoyable read, not the best I've read certainly but I don't regret purchasing it.

Christopher Pike's Imaginary Editor Michael Brite rushes to reply:

Initial post: Nov. 7, 2009 3:08 AM PST
Michael Brite says:
It says clearly in the book that Sita was an Aryan, a well known group who invaded India five thousand years ago. They were all blond and blue-eyed. The reason I call them well known is for two reasons. Hitler was obsessed with Aryan blood and considered the ideal German to be blond and blue-eyed. Also, it is an established fact the Aryans brought the Vedas to India, which later led to the creation of the Hindu religion. However, the Vedas themselves were not religious texts, but the cognitions of enlightened men and women.

DOOOOD! The Hitler Aryans and the India Aryans are NOT THE SAME PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!11oneoneone!!

I can't even... here's a wikipedia link. just... wow...

Also, not that I pretend to know anything about Indian history but a brief search of "Aryans invade India" shows me that this is only a theory at best.

So yeah, in conclusion, Christopher Pike, YOU SUCK.

also, plzz stop calling me "crazy chick" or i might have to start calling you "Stupid asshole"
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