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future_guardian July 17 2010, 01:48:02 UTC
When I was a young teenager I flipped through this book and thought "No, it sounds really boring." The little bit I read didn't endear me to any of the characters and I didn't find myself feeling much of anything. A good book would make you care a little bit, at least I think so. That's where my ties to it begin and end.

I'm one of the first people who prefer/recommend realistic endings and I firmly agree with you that being overly obese is not fine. That being said, I'm with the original poster in that all novels starring a protagonist who deals with being overweight (whether it's five pounds or five hundred pounds) should not end badly. The whole bunnies/sunshine/rainbows perfect ending doesn't work, but writers don't have to end with "main character dies" or "main character gets deathly sick" or "everyone makes fun of main character until she/he commits suicide" for a novel to be realistic.

On a related (but very general) note, I'm tired of all the fiction that makes "super thin" a good thing. Being healthy is good. Being an appropriate weight for your body type is good. Feeling good/confident about yourself is good. Heck, not talking about body weight period because it's not relevant to the plot is good. Super thin as ideal is not good.


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