JD Salinger dies at 91

Jan 28, 2010 14:12

Apparently, J.D. Salinger died at the age of 91 today.

I've seen Catcher and the Rye all over this community before, so I thought this piece of news would be relevant. A moment of silence for the author of a classic (or a terrible book, your choice). Or you could just post here and say why you hate this book, because to be honest, I haven't read it.

Mods, please delete if you don't think this is relevant. Though there is a trope for it...

ETA: Okay, the title of the post was tactless. I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to suggest that his existence was a failure--not at all. It was meant in the sense that he passed away. I apologize for offending anyone.

Again, I haven't read Catcher in the Rye, but I respect Salinger all the same--he was hailed as a great author. Good God, I should never be posting in class, I don't think when I do...

author last names m-s, it's literature dammit

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