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imora_mi_savur January 16 2010, 22:21:16 UTC
Thanks for posting this. I now know not to ever bother with these books. I'm a big fan of Vamp fic (the sparkly wuss meets mary sue fic we dont discuss not withstanding ;p)and will read pretty much any of it in search of the good stuff, and as such have sifted through some crap. Thanks to you I can avoid these particular books now so thankyou.

I'm usually willing to give anything the benefit of the doubt until I read it myself but this just sounds like too much to bother with. I mean by all mean's make your lead character cold, heartless, sociopathic, but the locking failed fledglings away because she loves them just seems like a desperate attempt to make a half assed character emotionally real, and it also seems to fail.

As for likening the character to Lestat. Lestat may have been watered down in the later books but his character was strong enough to begin with that even the watered down version was entertaining. From what you've said she is certainly no Lestat, and I really don't think i'll be buying books to prove that theory wrong.

Am I wrong for relying on one bad review to discount a series? maybe, but I could buy a new laptop with the money I've wasted on crap vampire books, so for once I'm going to listen and save myself some cash.


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