Randi Levin, aka The Muffin Lady:
I have never tried one of your recipes. I have never even opened one of your cookbooks. But I know that you are a mean person. How do I know this? I once worked as a cafe supervisor in a bookstore (who also often worked on the floor). You came to this bookstore to do a book signing, and as we do with all the authors who have events at our stores, we offered you free beverages from the cafe as a way of thanking you for being there for us and our customers.
On this day, I offered you any drink you wanted. You only wanted coffee with cream and sugar. That's fine. In our store, I often did overhead announcements to alert customers of special deals and events. So, I approached you shortly after you had set up and received your coffee to ask if there was any special information you wanted me to announce. Rather than answering my question, you rudely declared, "Your coffee is disgusting. I had to put five sugars in it, and it's still too bitter. It's disgusting. I can't even finish it." And continued to complain to me about the free coffee we had given you tasted, as though I was the one to blame that you didn't like it, repeating the word "disgusting" about a dozen times before I eventually had to sheepishly apology and leave, without even getting the information I had come to ask for.
You know, maybe it was the coffee's roast you didn't like, and we could have made a different blend. Or maybe you would have preferred a drink with espresso or another beverage entirely, which I gladly would have made for you if you had politely told me the coffee wasn't to your taste. But no, instead you had to be a raging bitch to a young bookstore employee.
You write cookbooks about high altitude baking, are you really such a celebrity you think you can get away with behavior like that?
I hope someday you choke on one of your muffins.