Jan 05, 2010 00:14
Name: Cat, or the almightyspaz
Age: 21 (WOOO! LETS GET WASTED!!!!!!!!!!!)
Location: (not required) North of the Shire, East of Fairyville. Okay, I'm in the US.
What got you into books?: I have asthma, and since I couldn't go outside when I was little and play and you can only watch Fantasia so many times, I started reading. Got to a third grade level by age 5.
What's your favorite book?: This is going to sound strange considering I'm more into the horror genre, but I have to go with Micheal Cunningham's The Hours.
What's your least favorite book?: *glares at the Sparkly teen vamp novel*. Also, Judy Blume's Forever annoyed me.
Favorite author?: Jim Butcher
Most disliked author?: Chistopher Pike and the woman that shall not be named
Favorite book genre/subject?: horror/occult, murderers/fantasy/scifi
Least favorite book genre/subject?: fluffy romance, historical texts - those have to have a decent story otherwise just wake me up in an hour.
Why do you like Bookfails?: The snark and the fact that I can rant when I want.
You can change one thing about this community what would it be?: I can't think of anything.
One book you have been dying to read?: CAN'T BE A REREAD! Changes by Jim Butcher, whenever it comes out. Also the next volume of Hack/Slash (hush, comics totally count).
One book you have been dying to forget?: Pretty much all the Supernatural and Torchwood tie in novels that I've read. Blerg.
Other hobbies besides reading?: Porn (watching, not doing), marathoning tv shows (dresden, btvs, angel), sleeping, writing (though I do suck at it), sleeping, plotting mass murder, you know, girlie stuff.
let me introduce myself