(no subject)

Nov 29, 2016 21:01

Some of you who were around here in 2011 may remember when I used to do tv fashion costume polls. I got all the way through sixteen episodes of my beloved flora-fedora-filled Capital Scandal and six episodes into You're Beautiful, the kdrama featuring a nun who joins the world's most amazingly-dressed boyband, before grad school proved to be enough of a timesuck that I gave up.

Well, it is a dark time, friends, and as a result, I have been rewatching You're Beautiful with
tenillypo, and AS A RESULT, I think it is time -- half a decade later! -- that I finish what I began five years ago, because I personally feel I could use some quality time with some really astounding fashion and I'm guessing I'm not the only one.

Let me start by catching you up on the winners of the first six You're Beautiful costume polls.

The winner of episode 1 was romantic hero Tae Kyung, super cool and dreamy member of the boyband A.N.Jell. Dislikes: dust, dirt, messes, human contact, the dark (he's night blind), and shrimp (he's wildly allergic). Likes: sneering like Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada and dressing in giant cowlnecks that devour his head like a sandworm.

Here, have an example of the signature sneer just for fun while we're at it:

The winner of episode 2 was Stylist Wang, a relatively minor regular character in the show who nonetheless looms large in our hearts because, as the band's stylist, she is officially responsible for ALL OF THIS.

The winner of episode 3 was Jeremy, the second member of A.N.Jell, who as far as we can tell from this costume has a secret hobby of cutting apart ugly sweatshirts and smocks and Frankensteining them into EVEN UGLIER giant sweatshirts/smocks.

The winner of episode 4 was Stylist Wang again, which is not helpful on catching you guys up with the cast and characters, but honestly I'm just happy to be able to share this outfit with you guys. I hope it is a balm to your soul as it is to mine.

The winner of episode 5 was superstar He Yi -- cranky superstar and designated Mean Girl Romantic Rival who wants Tae Kyung's heart for her own! AND IS READY TO GIVE IT ALL SHE'S GOT as I'm sure you can tell from her million yards of leg and sparkly boots tailor-made for walking all over you.

And He Yi also triumphed in episode 6, wearing a giant satin sack, a fabulous fascinator, and no pants at all because WHO NEEDS PANTS! Certainly not Korean superstars!

So ... now that you all have a sense of what you can expect, who's ready to THROW DOWN with You're Beautiful, episode 7?


Ah, here's our actual series heroine, novice-nun-turned-crossdressing-boyband-member Go Mi Nam. She may have not won any polls in 2011, but I have hope for her chances tonight! Let's start with this moderately innocuous golf cap and jacket ...

...worn over a ... belted jumpsuit? Is that two belts, or a shirt with a completely unnecessary belt paired with pants the exact same color? And which would be better?


Fortunately things like 'color matching' are not a problem when you decide to swathe yourself completely in some kind of black pointy elf hood.

The head is literally just a circle cut out for her face! It even has little, equally pointy built-in mittens for her hands! This is the platonic ideal of a garment to be adorable woeful in, and I'm charmed. I would totally wrap myself up in this and hide under a piano.


This outfit is totally innocuous! And looks very warm! Mittens, giant scarf, coat, plaid shirt -- all one hundred percent totally appropriate for a day in the presumably chilly woods.

At least until you get a look at what's going on below the edge of the frame here, which admittedly is hard to do. I took like a dozen screencaps trying to figure this out. Are these -- the tails of another shirt? Shorts worn over tights? Pantaloons?


Please bear in mind also that Go Mi Nam, in this outfit, is headed to A FUNERAL.


A slightly different funeral aesthetic: Tae Kyung's estranged washed-up superstar mother, who is Visiting Her Dead Love's Grave Today! !! !!!

Black lace gloves, black leather bib, black spangled skirt with an entire chain mail exterior, which is clearly how a grieving pop star armors ... HER HEART.


Tae Kyung-He Yi fashion power couple! Let's leave Tae Kyung's discount Macy's grandma sweater aside and let's look at He Yi's blue poncho, which looks extremely warm and stylish and which I would totally wear.

I personally might not wear it with a tiny sparkly skirt, but that's a personal choice and you can't deny He Yi's million miles of leg look good in it.

Although I'm not entirely sure about the way the collar makes it look like she broke her neck earlier in the episode.

And the ultimate most fabulous costume of You're Beautiful, Episode Seven is ...

View poll: You're Beautiful Episode 7

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costume polls, you're beautiful

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