(no subject)

Oct 07, 2016 23:40

Dear Yuletide author,

Thank you so much for signing up to write a gift for me -- I'm so excited to see what you come up with! I have been doing Yuletide for some large number of years now and I have been delighted with my gifts for every single one; if you write something that makes you happy, I guarantee I will be delighted with it also.

As you can probably guess from my letter, stuff that I like includes (but is not limited to) women having character development, women interacting with each other, ensemble stories, sibling dynamics, found families and friendships, and the kind of romance where two flawed and peculiar people figure out how their flaws and peculiarities fit together. I tend to love characters for their weaknesses as much as their strengths, and I love watching weird, complicated, human people grow into better and stronger and healthier people while still being recognizably the same weird, complicated, human people they always were. I am pretty much always down for crossovers! AUs are more hit-or-miss for me, though I can definitely be sold on them as long as the characters are still recognizably themselves.

I would prefer not to see any characters bashed, especially female characters. I don't mind canon-consistent dark themes if it makes sense for the story, but I tend not to be into graphic and gratuitous violence, and a sense of hope is specifically pretty important to me for a lot of the canons I'm requesting this year. I'm cool with sexual content, but I'd rather that wasn't the whole point of the fic.

A lot of these requests are unfilled repeat, because if there's one thing I learned from my Yuletide last year, it's that if you keep on asking MAGIC WILL EVENTUALLY OCCUR!

Fandom: Guys and Dolls - Loesser/Swerling/Burrows
Characters: Sky Masterson
Details: Suave gamblers with secret hearts of gold! Fabulous in any form, and I love Sky Masterson no matter what, but, Yuletide author, consider this: what about suave LESBIAN gamblers with secret hearts of gold? I would absolutely love a reworking of Guys and Dolls that featured a female Sky Masterson's seduction of virtuous Sarah Brown (for a bet!) (BUT REALLY FOR LOVE). However, if that's not of interest, I would also love to see how any postcanon version of Sarah Brown navigates New York's cheerful and amoral underworld now that she's married to one of its more notorious figures!

I came up with the idea for lesbian Sky Masterson last year with
genarti in a flash of inspiration last year and I have been dreaming of it ever since, but I do also just generally love Guys and Dolls and would be excited to see anything in the spirit of the musical! (Or the Damon Runyan short stories, for that matter, if that's what moves you.) For the record, I grew up with the film version, so Nathan Detroit is always Frank Sinatra in my head, but the movie cast does not have to be the cast in your head.

Fandom: Gaslight (1944)
Characters: Paula Alquist
Details: That final scene in Gaslight, where all of Ingrid Bergman's SCATHING AGGRESSION is finally unleashed, is so glorious to behold -- I want to know what happens next! How does Paula go about reclaiming her life, her identity, and her confidence in herself after Anton's done his best to take them all away from her? I'd love to see a recovery story for her; it can be as complicated as you like, but I'd prefer the tone be overall optimistic. (I am happy to have Brian Cameron and that potential romance included as part of the story as well, as long as Paula remains the focus.)

I saw this movie for the first time last year and I am very deeply invested in Paula Alquist's recovery and future happiness! It's a rough movie to watch, but the satisfaction of seeing Paula start to recover herself at the end makes it worth it for me, and I really want to see more of that journey.

Fandom: 20th Century Boys
Characters: Endou Kanna, Koizumi Kyoko
Details: I crave Twentieth Century Teen Girl Squad fic! What about that time that they utilized Kanna's +10 charisma and Kyoko's obsessive knowledge of Japanese post-apocalyptic bandom to organize a music concert together to save the world? What about future world-saving adventures? What about future adventures that have nothing to do with saving the world? IT'S ALL GOOD.

While I love almost everything about 20th Century Boys, one of my greatest sorrows is the fact that we don't get to see Kanna and Kyoko interact nearly as much as I want. They're very different people, but they've been through a heck of an experience together -- there have to have been a few times when it made a difference to have another teenaged girl around. (I mean, I know my apocalypse would always be brightened by the presence of Koizumi Kyoko, although that is partly because Koizumi Kyoko is a SHINING STAR. I suggested a fic about their time organizing that huge music concert, but that's just one idea. Other ideas: did they ever hang out while Kanna was running her revolutionary cell? Did Kyoko ever ask Kanna for help? Or maybe postcanon, Kanna needs Kyoko's help on something! MAYBE THEY FIGHT CRIME.

Fandom: 힐러 | Healer
Characters: Any
Details: I love literally everyone in this bar and would be happy with just about any fic, but I'm especially excited about the possibilities for Minja and Daeyong as the new Healer duo because I'm fairly sure whatever they do is going to be HILARIOUS. I also want to know more about what Joo Yeonhee does with her life after the end of the show! And I always want more reporter antics -- backstory about Choi Myunghee and the pirate radio group? Future-story about Youngshin, Junghoo, and the rest of the Some Day gang? IT'S ALL GOOD.

Dang, what fic DON'T I want for this show? I'm not gonna lie -- if you just wrote me some of this imaginary sequel series that somebody came up with, I would be delighted beyond measure. But there is so much more that I also care about and would love to see! I love the weird found family of Youngshin and Junghoo and all their adoptive parents and guardians and siblings and babysitters and reporters and criminals; I love the romance; I love The Power of the Press Changing the World; I love Daeyong and her gang of paintball-wielding disaffected teens; I love Minja and her sushi and her knitting and the detective with a starry-eyed crush on her (I ship it in a way where I actually ship it, and I also ship it in a way where he pines after her forever and it never goes anywhere, it's ALL GOOD); I love Yeonhee and her friendship with Youngshin and her determination that SOME PEOPLE REALLY NEED TO DIE (superhero vigilante Yeonhee? HERE FOR IT); I love the backstory! I could read about pirate radio forever! Seriously, anything you write me for this show will delight me.

I mean, honestly, as I said above, anything you write me for any of these canons will delight me! Thank you so much again, mystery author, and I hope you have an amazing Yuletide!

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