(no subject)

Sep 07, 2015 20:27

I think there was maybe one weekend in August I got a chance to sleep in my own bed. The first half of September is even moreso. I am just back home two hours ago from a (really delightful!) long weekend of vacation without internet in upstate New York with
genarti; tomorrow I'm leaving again to spend two days in DC for a conference, and then going straight to Philadelphia for Rosh Hoshanah with the family. Then if I am very lucky I am not going anywhere until November and my bed and I are VERY EXCITED about that.

What I'm really complaining about here is that I have read a fair number of books recently on trains and airplanes and things, and have very little time right now to write them all up! (Though I'm going to try to do Sorcerer to the Crown at least tomorrow morning before I leave because ahh, so good!)

However, while I'm playing catch-up, a question for those of you who read my posts on books here. Usually I start off any post I do about a book with a link to the book I'm talking about on Amazon, so people can see what I'm actually talking about and attempt to acquire the book if they feel so inclined. However, I don't reeeeally necessarily want to be linking to Amazon every time when I booklog if there's a better option, because even though I am sort of locked into Amazon by dint of having a Kindle there is absolutely no reason everybody else should be, and I think we are all aware by now that they are sort of terrible.

So, booklog-readers, I'm soliciting your opinion. What would be the most helpful link source? Stick with Amazon for the sake of convenience? Goodreads, and let people navigate to a seller of choice from there? B&N? Some other reliable online bookseller? World...cat.....?

(Authors whose books I have talked about or may conceivably in future talk about here, your opinion is also solicited from that perspective as well!)

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