(no subject)

Oct 22, 2014 00:40

Dear Yuletide author,

First of all, thank you so, so much for signing up to write for one of these awesome fandoms! I'm going to be incredibly happy whatever you do, so please don't stress out too much about any optional-details-are-optional below. If you have fun writing, that will make it the best present for me. :D

General stuff that I like includes women having relationships with each other -- romantic, friendship, mentorship, really intense and personal enemies, it's all good! -- plus in general ensemble stories, sibling dynamics, found families and friendships, and people growing as people. I SUPER LOVE flawed people being flawed, and ridiculous people being ridiculous. (This definitely doesn't mean I only want comedy stories -- I am pretty much up for anything, tonally -- but I do think that humans are always a little bit ridiculous, and ... most of my requests are for canons that are full of ridiculous people, so.) I am also, for the record, SO DOWN for crossovers, always and forever, if you happen to be inspired to write one.

I would prefer not to see any characters bashed, especially female characters, and although I'm happy to run with creepy or dark explorations of fictional universes if that's what you want to do, I'm generally not a fan of the gratuitously graphic.

Fandom: 7 Seeds
Characters: Any
Details: My favorite things about 7 Seeds are the female friendships, and the team-building, and all the small human frustrations of the apocalypse, and how everyone grows into themselves as a person. I would love ensemble-fic filling in some of the days we haven't seen for any of the teams, or stories about how the different characters who are just starting to meet start getting to know each other, or future fic about everyone building a permanent community ... but if you want a specific prompt I would especially maybe love fic about Ran and Nijiko being rivals with let's say unconventional morals who learn to respect each other and/or make out. ANY OF THAT STUFF.

This is I think my third time requesting 7 Seeds, and every year it gets harder narrowing down what I want because it's ALL SO GREAT. I love pretty much everybody so much! (OK, obviously I don't love Mozu, or the evil Summer A teachers, and my feelings about Ango and Ryo are pretty complicated, but EVERYONE ELSE.) I like Ran and Nijiko A LOT, and recent developments have made me really, really want to see more about their dynamic during Operation Build Lots of Houses. (Is it even possible for Nijiko to have real feelings of caring/responsibility towards other people? Last year my head said no but my heart said yes but this year CANON ALSO IS STARTING TO BEGRUDGINGLY SAY YES, especially when Ran is involved, thank you Yumi Tamura, you're my favorite! ... uh, so I ship it, obviously, but if you don't, that's TOTALLY OKAY.) Ran and Botan's newly-developing dynamic is also pretty fascinating to me; I've loved every bit we've gotten of it so far, and would love to see more. But I also would love fic about any of the other nominated characters! Or, let's face it, un-nominated characters as well. (My 7 Seeds tags on DW and on tumblr should also give you a sense of more of the things I'm really into about this manga, if this explosion of feelings has not been enough.)

Fandom: Gokusen
Characters: Yamaguchi Kumiko
Details: I love how Yankumi copes with her class of delinquent boys, but postcanon I would super love to see Yankumi as teacher/mentor to some delinquent girls! I am certainly up for as much Shin and Shin/Yankumi as you feel like including, but it's in no way required. (For the record: I've only read the manga, I'm not really familiar with the live-action show.)

I already received one fantastic fic on the theme of "Yankumi and delinquent girls" for Parallels this year, but my heart still craves more! There's that hint towards the end of the manta that Shirokin might go co-ed, and I'm fascinated by that, but it definitely doesn't have to be set at Shirokin; Yankumi could hypothetically work at any school with terrible girl-children and it would be AMAZING. (Crossovers, for the record, are definitely A-OK for this prompt.)

Fandom: Cuckoo Song - Frances Hardinge
Characters: Trista (Cuckoo Song)
Details: I loved this book so much, and I loved the end so much, and I want to know what happens afterwards! I'm fascinated by the idea that Triss and Trista are going to keep in touch after the end of the novel, and would love to see some of their correspondence. If you're not as interested in that, though, I'd also love to see how Trista navigates her relationships with Pen and/or Violet postcanon.

Oh, man, Cuckoo Song was probably my favorite thing that I read this year -- I just want to give everyone a hug! -- and while I love the way that Triss and Trista and Pen and Violet all change during the course of the book, it's also very clear that the changes that we see are just the beginning of a longer, ongoing journey. As I said, I'm especially interested in Triss and Trista's letters, especially since so much of Triss' character development is offstage, and everything between them is necessarily so complicated. Getting a look at that correspondence would be AMAZING. But I also love Trista's relationships with Pen and Violet -- not to mention her relationship with herself, and her own identity -- and would love to see any of those explored, in the future that she now has suddenly got.

Fandom: Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens
Characters: Georgiana Podsnap, Sophronia Laemmle
Details: I have a surprising number of feelings for Sophronia Laemmle and her own surprising number of feelings for unprepossessing little Georgiana Podsnap. I would love to see more of their story! Either during canon, or ... maybe a happy ending for them? I guess happy ending is relative. Maybe they run away for a life of crime! Maybe Sophronia poisons Alfred so they can run away for a life of crime! I would be cool with that.

So this year is my year of amoral lesbian prompts I guess? -- obviously it is not necessary to write Georgiana/Sophronia with that particular punctuation! But, I mean, their relationship is one of the most interesting things in the book; Georgiana is so plain and awkward and earnest and weird, and she loves glamorous Sophronia so much, and Sophronia is so generally ambitious and callous, and yet somehow finds herself caring enough about this earnest little weirdo that she's willing to risk just about everything to save Georgiana FROM SOPHRONIA HERSELF. There is nothing that isn't epic about this. I'd love to see either more of how Sophronia comes to the realization that she cares enough about Georgiana to want to save her, or some way to continue their story postcanon -- neither of them are exactly in a great position when the story ends, I'D BE OKAY WITH THEM ENDING UP IN BETTER ONES. Maybe separately, maybe together. Maybe having cross-continental epic adventures. MAYBE.

Fandom: Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun
Characters: Nozaki Umetarou
Details: My favorite part about this truly ridiculous manga is all the meta about writing, and what real-life situations look like when turned into fiction, and how people react to seeing themselves transformed like that. So WRITING META HIJINKS is really what I'm craving here! Bonus points for THEATER META HIJINKS with the drama troupe.

GSNK is pretty much a delight all the way through, but my favorite bits about it are all the things that go into the production of an actual manga, and how the real-life antics of Nozaki's life are twisted around into fictional antics that fit tidily into shoujo cliches. Oh, god, all the commentary on shoujo cliches. IT FILLS ME WITH SUCH JOY. Whether it's Nozaki talking Sakura or Mikorin into helping with wacky shoujo research, secretly (and conflictedly!) puppeteering Waka into providing him with side story material, or trying desperately not to write Kashima's playboy tendencies into every single shoujo lead, it's ALL GOLD. I also love Nozaki's and Sakura's tendencies to then blur the lines between the fictionalized versions of themselves and their friends and the reality -- anything playing with that would be amazing. And of course when you add in Kashima and Hori as actors/directors with their own investments in the stories they're creating through the drama club, that's a whole new level of meta hijinks to play with! (For the record, I've only seen the anime as of right now, but I plan to have read the manga before Yuletide opens, so any level of canon knowledge should be game. I am also game for Nozaki/Sakura if that's where your heart takes you; Mikorin is fine in conjunction, but I'd prefer not to have Nozaki/Mikorin that erases Sakura from the picture.)

Thank you so much, mystery author! And again, whatever you write, I will be SO EXCITED BY IT. I'm super excited already! You can tell by the fact that I can't put down my allcaps!

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