(no subject)

Jan 06, 2013 12:30

So now that Yuletide is past and reveals have all been revealed, I can talk about some of the stuff I read during Yuletide season!

First up: Blue Beetle. Both of my roommates ended up writing Blue Beetle fics this year, which was my excuse to finally getting around to reading it. (The Jaime Reyes books, in case that wasn't clear.)

And it turns out Blue Beetle is basically almost everything I could possibly want in a superhero comic?

For visual reference, here is Jaime Reyes, tellin' his mom all about his adventures:

He's a teenaged Latino kid living in El Paso, Texas, who gets accidentally infested one day by an alien scarab that talks in his head and gives him homicidal superpowers.

Fortunately, Jaime, being a good kid, does not give into the homicidal elements! Some other things that he does not do:

- push away his family and friends in order to keep them safe
- go off to a big city to fight crime
- pine over a girl who can never know his secret
- spend chapters angsting about his life of being FOREVER ALONE

Some things that Jaime does do:

- tells his family and friends exactly what's up
- checks in with his parents before going to fight crime on a school night
- judges -- correctly -- that the people he cares about are awesome and capable with or without superpowers
- saves a lot of babies
- I mean also other people, and also the world
- makes kind-of-friends with his nemesis
- and actual friends with the various other superheroes who might want to kill him

Jaime Reyes is the best teen superhero, is what I am saying.

This is a superhero comic about ordinary people adjusting to extraordinary stuff, which is what I always want superhero comics to be and they never are. Except this one! It's about being a hero for your community; it's about how being heroic requires a support system; it's about families and friends and people being totally awesome whether or not they have superpowers. Exhibit A: Jaime's BFFs Paco and Brenda.

Also, as a bonus feature, there's a whole issue in Spanish.

So . . . maybe if I tell the universe about how these are the stories I want they will give me more of them? ARE YOU LISTENING, UNIVERSE?

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comics, booklogging, blue beetle

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