Yuletide reveals time!
My assigned fic was
The Young Chants, a Chrestomanci story about Christopher Chant and his expanding family.
I have been very surprised and pleased with the reception this fic has gotten! My recipient asked for fluffy family fic; I don't think she was expecting A FLUFFY CHRESTOMANCI FAMILY EPIC, and to be fair I was not expecting to write one either, but once I started, as often happens, I couldn't stop. I don't think anyone guessed me as the writer for this, which makes a nice change from last year when I was hilariously called out in the very first comment. Secrecy IS possible!
I also wrote
The Rule of Cool, a Gravity Falls treat for
sotto_voce, with shout-outs to Community and a few other things.
I've always wanted to write a Yuletide treat for Lexie, because she writes SO MUCH every year and I feel like she deserves a million treats in response! So finally a prompt of hers came along that I actually had inspiration for, and I jumped on it. I did it at the last minute in like three hours so it is not, er, the most nuanced thing I have ever written, but . . . it has ladyfriendship and velociraptors, so that's something?
Lexie maaaay have guessed me on this one, I'm not sure! Let me know, Lexie, I was cracking up when your comment came through.
Many thanks to all my betas, including
shati, and
arushindoll. YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME.
I'm still working my way through the archive, veeeeery slowly. Someday there will be a recs post. SOMEDAY. But I'm determined to do it, because I want to rec everything I betaed, which was ALL AMAZING.
(PS: Thank you so much for my wonderful gifts, Ione and Alona! I don't know where you are on LJ/DW, but if you're reading this, HI, YOU'RE BOTH AMAZING! Come say hello, let's be friends!)
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