So among other things
shoroko said in her Korra finale reaction post was to point out
... there's a city council seat open! Knope 170 ASC!
So then the path before me was prepared I guess?
"Councilwoman Knope," roared Tenzin, "we are still in the process of repairing major damage done to the city! Why should we dedicate any more government money to the care and feeding of this -- this pointless creature?"
Leslie slammed her fist down on the table. "Councilman Tenzin, it's a well known fact of human nature that in the wake of an extremely divisive crisis, nothing brings people together like uniting behind a common cuteness! Am I right?" She looked expectantly around the room. "I'm sure I don't have to list all over again Li'l Shou Bao's numerous acts in service to the city -- mostly importantly, existing and being amazing -- for the members of this council to agree."
The vote was four to one in favor. "Council dismissed!" crowed Leslie. Tenzin stormed out of the room, cloak billowing behind him.
"I just don't understand," he complained to Pema over dinner that night, "what's so important about a miniature cow hippo!"
All three of his children old enough to understand instantly perked up.
"Li'l Shou Bao?"
"Li'l Shou Bao's soooooo cute!"
"When he's here I'm gonna sleep on him instead of my bed!"
Tenzin stared at Meelo.
Then he stared at Pema, more accusatorily.
"Well, we do have a lot of open space on the island," said Pema weakly, "and the acolytes would be happy to help take care of him, and -- Tenzin, she babysat for a whole weekend! And left us four different kinds of cakes and organized all the Temple paperwork while she was here! You tell me how I was supposed to say no!"
I mean now I basically just want a "Republic City's
New Councilperson" Crossover Drabble Fest, but I guess I brought this on myself. PLEASE TO OFFER LOLARIOUS SUGGESTIONS IN COMMENTS THOUGH, maybe someone will feel inspired to write them!
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