(no subject)

Jun 21, 2011 10:34

I don't know if there's a precise word for someone who starts plying a friend with DC comics at exactly the same time that DC makes major universe-changing announcements that send basically the entire comics-reading world into an unhappy tizzy, but there really should be. (I'M TAKING SUGGESTIONS.) More specifically there really should be a word for someone (DEBI) who lends out all of their Oracle and Black Canary: Birds of Prey comics right as Oracle is being rebooted to Batgirl. Up to a few weeks ago I only had to care in a general sort of way! I could still feel smug about my wise decision to avoid all of DC comics! But my fatal weakness of feeling obliged to read anything that is personally shoved into my hands has struck again; now I have to acknowledge that I liked the Birds of Prey books and actually be personally angry about Oracle. SO THANKS,

Well, to be more specific, I didn't actually like the first Birds of Prey book - Dinah and Oracle are still cool, but all the plots were set in facepalminglystereotypedthirdworldcountryland and the dialogue was kind of awful - but things did improve a lot when the writer switched from Chuck Dixon to Gail Simone and the team expanded to include Huntress (whom I actually like best of the main cast, which surprised me; I was expecting to like Oracle best). Two things I don't think I will ever get over, though:

a.) superhero costumes will never fail to boggle, dismay and perplex me. Over the course of the run Huntress' costume goes from this to this and I just don't understand anything.

b.) the DC comics rule about never killing any bad guys ever also boggles and perplexes me. I mean on the one hand, yes, cool principle, I also am strongly against the death penalty! On the other hand when like sixty people are trying to kill you at once I also think that sometimes being careful not to accidentally kill any of them is something you can't necessarily worry about (especially when all forms of beating and maiming seem to be okay . . .?). Also, in a hypothetical situation like, say, an evil telepathic cult leader is telepathically forcing forty little kids to blow themselves up in the next forty seconds, and killing him will cut off the telepathic connection, I am pretty sure I would feel one hundred percent okay about killing that cult leader. (I think this is why I like Huntress best.)

Anyway, now at least I can say I've read some DC comics. Though I still don't think I'm going to be reading any, past or present, that aren't actually strongly recommended and shoved personally into my hands in a way that doesn't require me to give DC money.

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