Last time, the polls went to Sachiko, who finally pulled out a win with her fabulous array of feathers, sparkles and polka dots:
As you may or may not know, this takes us to THE FINAL EPISODE. And we have some tough decisions before us! And not only costume-related decisions. As you may have noticed, I have been enjoying myself a little too much with this costume polling. And now that we're out of Capital Scandal, I have been deciding whether or not I want to maybe continue this polls with another show? Would you guys have fun with that? PLEASE REGISTER YOUR OPINIONS.
First, though, let's get back to sending off Capital Scandal with a bang! (Or . . . several bangs, if we're being literal. Looots of guns in this episode. Great accessories for suits.)
When this lady walked across the screen in her shiny, shiny black-and-white gown - apparently cocktail parties in 1930s Korea have the same dress code as proms in the US! WHO KNEW -
innerbrat sat up and shrieked "A write-in contender! A write-in!" So in deference to Debi's fashion sensibilities, I am including her as an option in the poll.
Unnamed extra, we still do not know who you are, but your massive array of sequins will live on in our hearts!
Speaking of sequins, let's take a moment to appreciate the swarm of multicolored floral sequins on Woo Wan's mom's head.
Back view! If that were on a shirt it would be hideous, is my opinion, but on a black beret is is adorable. I don't know why this is so. IT JUST IS.
Though I don't know if it's adorable enough to drown out the giant cabbage pinned to her shirt.
By comparison, Sachiko's white outfit (with gloves!) and purple flowers look actually . . . dignified? Is that even possible?
CONGRATULATIONS, SACHIKO. Today, you are actually, genuinely well-dressed! Given last week's polka-dot terror, this is enough to earn you a slot in the top five right there.
So . . . I think I promised you suits and guns?
After playing it respectable all show, lurking in the background in his quiet sober suits, this is finally, FINALLY Lee Su Hyun's chance to shine. Black pinstripes on black on black with a bright white tie - here is a man who shows up to a shootout in style.
And his impeccable choice of outfit for this scene only highlights EVEN MORE the amazing sartorial decisions of our heroes . . .
You tell me - HOW COULD I CHOOSE? How could I choose between the man who shows up for a final showdown in a pink ribbon, the man who picks the red check bowtie, the man who appears in a straw boater, or the man who decides that the ideal way to face the possibility of death with dignity is by wearing his very best disco neon fedora?
Look at this nobility and quiet courage! LOOK AT THIS CHECKER PRINT.
"Come on if you think you're hard enough," says Woo Wan. "My pink polka dots and I DARE YOU."
Readers, I just couldn't do it. I could not break them up at the last. Together they stand, nominated as a group, united in dazzling panache and inexplicable fashion; en masse they will triumph over all fashion comers, or en masse they will fall and be humbled.
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