(no subject)

May 26, 2011 10:50

Okay, I am going to do my best to remain straightfaced and unspoilery for the rest of the costume poll, but let me just say upfront and get it out of the way: THIS EPISODE WAS REALLY HARD TO DO.

But first let's go back to the joy of last week's victor:

This is going to be one of my benchmarks for cunning disguises going forward. The dapper fake moustache! The glass-less glasses! Never change, Woo Wan. Never change.


It struck me that, fifteen episodes into the series, I STILL had yet to give our villain Lee Kang Gu his proper chance in the costume polls!

And okay yes, this is because he wears pretty much the same thing every episode, but it's such an excellent signature outfit.

The knickers! The suspenders! The jaunty cap! Look, I know he's pretty awful, but you just can't hate a man in knickers like that. As I said once to schiarire, he's like an evil Newsie.


Sachiko! Why are you crying? Is it because you haven't been featured in a costume poll in ages?

Well, you're back in the running now WITH A VENGEANCE.

As if the clashing sets of multicolored polkadots WEREN'T ENOUGH, you have also clearly pulled out your best, fringiest, most-beaded-AND-floral hat for the occasion!

Clearly, you think, Woo Wan cannot compete, but I don't know . . .


Let's face it, the combination of pink pastels is pretty fabulously coordinated. He's like an old-fashioned ice-cream man.

And most impressive, it matches Miyuki! PINK STRIPES FOR EVERYONE.


Except Cha Song Joo, who is bucking the pastel trend in this ridiculously gorgeous hanbok.

Look at that patterning! I will count myself lucky if I ever have an outfit made out of a fabric that's half that pretty.


What can I say about this dress? It's white! I like the shape! The way the belt coordinates with her signature bedazzled bandage is very stylish!

It seems to move very well! I would wear it! I, I'm going to stop talking now.



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top fives, picspam, polls, capital scandal

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