(no subject)

May 09, 2011 10:09

I kept trying to formulate a review for Charles Yu's How to Live Safely in a Science Fictional Universe and running into trouble, because it doesn't have much of a plot per se, it's mostly a lot of clever meta about a dude in an explicitly allegorical time machine having a mid-life crisis, and finally I was just like, fine, I will make some graphs and be done with it.

So, the simplest way to describe this book is that it exists at the intersection of two general reams of literary discourse:

But if you want a more specific breakdown of the contents of the book, this graph might be more helpful to you:

And you can go hunt down all the rhapsodic literary reviews now if you want, but that is basically the experience of reading this book.

(NB: All of these statistics were developed through highly mathematical and scientific methods.)

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charles yu, booklogging

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