Aside from OTPs,
lacewood also asked me for my Top 5 Platonic BFF Pairings, which is an awesome question but tricky because I am going to try not to overlap with any of the BFF pairings I talked about when I did my
top five BFF moments. To make narrowing it down easier, I am also very strictly ruling out anyone I think might be even a little bit not
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P.S. Unrelatedly, I don't really "side with" Shawn or Henry, per se, (I kind of don't believe in side-taking in those relationships, I think) but I do probably more often go, "Sweetie...what?????" at Shawn's reasons for being bizarrely suspicious.** Henry I just sort of go, "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh, Henry," even though he is occasionally quite as ridiculous (in a different way). I think it's a little bit like how I feel about the Gilmore family relationships, probably because Lorelai and Shawn have similarly...kind of stunted? relationships with their parents? where they never seem to have evolved into actual adult not-quite-equal-but-far-closer-than-when-I-was-a-teenager relationships?
**I will say, though, I have a lot of sympathy for Shawn and why he is the way he is, a lot of which OF COURSE has to do with Henry (and Madeleine). But I also think (much like my parents, and most parents, imo) Henry has always tried to do what he believes is best for his son. Things just don't always work exactly as you think they should.
But Emily/Richard!!!! =(
Makes me think of my giant cracked-out AU of doom that I started inventing instead of studying for finals last semester. In which Zoey Bartlet was Shawn's sister because the idea of their very different relationships with their AU-shared father CRACKED ME UP. Also, the flip of Gus-and-Shawn's-sister.
...although, I don't know how we'd get them to meet. I suppose the Gilmores would have to come to Santa Barbara. Henry would never go to Hartford.
Emails? Do they email? GG is so behind the times.
Though it does kind of fall apart when Rory turns bratty in the last few seasons, but point still holds. They regress and fix things in a way that Lorelai and Emily never do.
Lorelai & Rory: I mean, Rory has similar moments to Lorelai where I'm like, "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?????" but then, she was raised by Lorelai, so it does make sense... (but that has more to do with guys) I was actually just thinking about Rory in the last couple seasons today, because I'm in school right now and in a place where I JUST WANT TO QUIT FLJDASGSFDLJSA (but I won't!), and I'm sort of suddenly understanding what happens to Rory much better than before (when I, probably slightly influenced by my very...responsible? bestie, who watched GG first, used to always be like, "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHY WOULD YOU EVER???")...although, admittedly, my trajectory is a lot more what-do-I-want-to-do-with-my-life and a lot less now-I'll-go-steal-a-boat-with-my-questionably-reliable-boyfriend. x_x BUT ANYWAY, um, yeah, I've always found Lorelai and Rory's relationship interesting in that respect, the and downs of how they switch from friends to parent-child, and also Rory's relationship with her grandparents, and how that's different...and how Rory forms a grown-up relationship with them, too, in a way, that's very different from Lorelai's with her parents ever is.
It's kind of like how my dad still comes home and brings me, like, stuffed animals and keychains; I think it's because he hasn't lived full-time with me since I was six. XD (Though, I'm sure it's also partly the general convention that dads don't like their little girls growing up.) (Don't worry, we're not nearly as dysfunctional as the Gilmores (usually), and anyway I was an actual teenager much more recently than Lorelai.)
Now I'm near finishing a masters in library science which makes sense though I still have to navigate bureaucracy. There's something about the pressure of careers plus classes that isn't healthy but we're all expected to go through it.
For my family, I'm the youngest and the glue in a blended family so my brothers who know me better than my sister give me good gifts. My sister and I just have an odd relationship due to so many years difference and she's rarely lived with me.
I'm an only. My parents are great (which is to say, they're both very intelligent and accomplished people, and adorable together and apart and just generally very amusing ahahaha oh man parents), but there's a pretty significant cultural and generational difference. Which is to say, we actually share some interests (I'm very much the product of them, plus I have these hilarious moments where I talk about something (say, A Few Good Men), and it turns out my dad owns and can quote it, or I'm watching HIMYM and my mom is like "Oh hey! It's Doogie Howser!" and I'm like, "...What. oh right, you watched stuff like Growing Pains and Cheers and apparently this when I was a baby."), but it's...really good overall that they don't give me proper birthday/holiday gifts because it's really like, jewelry works, and if I specifically ask for something, great, and if I don't it's just best they just give me cash. It's kind of depressing from my friends' very American perspectives but it doesn't particularly bother me. XD It's like...they know I like theatre, so they'll get me a coffee table book about Broadway, you know? Which is kind of cool,'s really different from if they actually knew me better.
How much older are your siblings?
*nods* I'm kind of the same way with my parents, my father sends me clippings he thinks are interesting and I forward them articles. We also do gifts like jewelery and fun stuff but I just enjoy spending time with them. Its all very odd, but surprisingly it all seems to work. Also both my parents are older than most other parents of my generation sine they're currently retired so that's always added some interesting twists.
It's great that you enjoy spending time with them! I enjoy my parents most of the time, too, now, which is really nice, but there are definitely still times when it's like, wow, the highs are high and the lows are low. But hopefully as I figure myself out more and more and they worry less (it's a lot of, like, fear of the unknown, and fear of me not being okay, which is all normal parent stuff but the former is particularly strong with them I think because culturally their lives were very structured and I have a lot of choices and interests and blah blah blah my diamond shoes are too tight), it'll get better. I've definitely gotten better at talking to them in a non-obnoxious/accusatory/adolescent way. Though I think they often read into what I'm saying wrong, too, because of past guilt and things I felt when I was younger and such... (this part feels like it ties back to Gilmore Girls, hee!)
I think distance helps with parents, I love mine but I've lived abroad and gone to college and lived on my own. That makes it easier to call them and go, ah, can I do this and they say, yes? We'll support you and help but you can do this. As you can tell, I think I'm older than you by a bit so time does help.
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