(no subject)

Dec 15, 2010 11:05

Last week's poll victor: Se Gi with his third victory in a row, pulling off the Carmen Sandiego look with great panache!

(Can you imagine taking a look inside Se Gi's closet? All these suits lined up next to each other? I think my eyes have gone temporarily blind from the mental image alone.)

The first one of these polls I did came from episode four, so we'll be moving along this week to episode five.


We may as well line up the favorite right from the start - Se Gi, who, going for his fourth victory in a row, has pulled out the FLORAL FEDORA. Guys, I have to tell you right now, this hat has ruined me for other fedoras. I walk down St. Mark's in New York, home of the greatest density of fedora salesmen outside the 1930's, and think, "Yes, very nice, but where's all the fuchsia floral print?" And that is why I still don't own a fedora, despite clear and pressing need. DAMN YOU, SE GI.

2. and 3.

These outfits, both awesome enough on their own, become twice as amazing when you realize that - as innerbrat pointed out when we watched the episode - Sachiko and Woo Wan's mom are wearing each other's hats.

Observe: Mrs. Sun's nice lavender dress is actually pretty reasonable, lace gloves and purple stockings aside, but it's lacking a certain something . . .


Meanwhile, Mrs. Sun's pink mini-turban is clearly meant to complement Sachiko's shiny, ridiculously long, utterly pointless neckties.

I don't know what they've been doing that would lead to the hat switch - making vows of eternal friendship? engaging in a heart-warming musical number? - but the question alone earns them both a place in the top five. (Maybe Sachiko just stole Mrs. Sun's hat because no one else is allowed to wear that much gauze? Seriously, I can't stop wondering!)


Young Ran's first Top Five slot! Which she's earned by being ridiculously adorable in her suit. The little lace cuffs! The bow tie! I would so wear this suit. (But I would not be nearly as adorable in it.)

It's extra adorable when you realize that the reason she's dressed up so nice is to impress her night school teacher for her reading lessons. Young Ran! I just want to ruffle your hair, except I wouldn't really because it's super cute and that would ruin it.


But - I am sorry, Young Ran, I really am - this is the outfit of my heart for this episode.

I am pretty sure when Cha Song Joo came out in this dress I literally stopped breathing for a moment. HOW IS IT EVEN LEGAL FOR SOMEONE TO BE THAT GORGEOUS.


top fives, picspam, capital scandal

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