(no subject)

Nov 29, 2010 12:23

I keep forgetting that I . . . have maybe actually written enough fic by now to do self-indulgent fic memes! It is a weird thought for me, since before this year my fic output was approximately one-a-year-plus-Yuletide. Anyway, SO HERE IS ONE, stolen from ojuzu.

1. Which is your favourite fic?

I still am pretty proud of Eleven Up, which was actually the first relatively long-form fic I ever completed. Also, unrelatedly, the only Harry Potter fic I ever wrote; I've never been in Harry Potter fandom, per se, but I jumped on fahye's Muggle Studies worldbuilding challenge because the huge, huge cultural gap that Rowling sets up between the wizarding world and the "real" world has bothered me ever since I read the first book at approximately age eleven myself. Stylistically I don't think it's the best thing I've ever written by a long shot, but I wrote it three years ago and I still like it - which says something - and I think a lot of the points I was trying to make about culture clash and assimilation are reasonably valid, without, I hope, being too much [metaphor for oppressed group of your choice]. (I have also been thinking about this again recently given the Holocaust imagery in the most recent film, which I have semi-mixed feelings about.)

2. Which is your best-received fic?

If we're going by hit count, probably While Recognizing the Importance of Luck in Certain Situations, Eve Genoard Continues to Disapprove of Gambling, which apparently got linked over on TVTropes and therefore has something wacky like 1300 hits. If we're going by comments and recs, I think it's a tie between Another Military Party (everyone loves shippy dancing fic!) and A Girl Worth Fighting For (everyone loves Armstrongs?)

3. Which is your worst-received fic?

Hahahaha Confusion in the Body Politic. I think a sum total of five people (whom I love) read it - which doesn't at all surprise me, because I don't actually expect anyone besides me to be as angry about the way the show treated Tory Foster as I am. I'm still glad I wrote it.

4. Which is your angsty-est fic?

I think BSG fic automatically takes the angst prize (uh, except for the wacky Tigh mpreg fic, which I am NOT LINKING unless anyone actually asks for it) so: Confusion in the Body Politic again! Or actually maybe the untitled thing about Sandra Bennet and the Haitian, seeing as it is actually about two people grieving a death and all.

5. Which is your funniest fic?

Looking over my fics, while I enjoy writing the lulz, I actually don't tend to sustain comedy all throughout a fic very often! So we will say this series of Ouran/Lord of the Rings crossover drabbles. THEY ENTERTAIN ME, OKAY.

6. Smuttiest? Hahaha, I really don't do smut at all, so I'm replacing this question with What character did you surprise yourself by writing?

I also am nooot much of a sexytimes writer (various people can mention the panicked emails I've sent over the few vaguely romantic things I have written; "HE'S TOUCHING HER BACK!!! IS IT TOO MUCH????") so I am keeping ojuzu's amendment here! And let us say Claire Stanfield in Despite an Unexpected Amount of Interest from the Public, The Daily Days Decides Not to Publish the Full Story Behind Recent Executive Upheavals (omg longest title ever), given that last Yuletide I specifically de-selected Claire because I was terrified to write him. AND STILL AM.

7. Fluffiest?

Night Shift, hands down. Alphonse Elric, CANDY-STRIPER. As I said at the time, the only way it could be sappier would be with the addition of puppies and kittens. WHICH ALMOST HAPPENED.

8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?

There is really no way to know that for sure! I have received comments to that effect about Confusion in the Body Politic and also this Appa drabble but I kind of suspect that is hyperbole.

9. Which fic frustrates you the most?

Confusion in the Body Politic just keeps reappearing here, doesn't it? I don't know. As I said, I'm really glad I wrote it, but I'm also angry that I felt like I had to. There are parts that made me feel slimier to write (THANKS, BALTAR) than anything else I ever have.

10. Which fic was the most fun to write?

If co-writing counts, Got One Hundred Steps To Go, because it turns out that co-writing things at the last minute with genarti is ridiculously fun! If we're talking about solo fics, probably While Recognizing the Importance of Luck in Certain Situations, Eve Genoard Continues to Disapprove of Gambling. I got to write ACTION. And FAKE HOSTAGE SITUATIONS. And PEOPLE SHOOTING PEOPLE'S FINGERS OFF. IT WAS AWESOME.

11. Who is your favourite OC you've ever created?

I am actually really fond of Perrine Armstrong and Ai Han from A Girl Worth Fighting For. EPIC LADYBROMANCE. In my heart they are sort of the FMA-verse Gentlemen of the Road. If I was any kind of artist I would waste so much time doodling them.

12. Are you better at oneshot or multipart?

I don't think I have ever even written a multipart; the closest I've come is one-parts that are too long to fit in a single journal entry. I don't think I could sustain any interest over a multipart!

13. Which character do you think you're the best at portraying?

Uhhhh. I don't think, in terms of fic, I've really . . . consistently written any characters enough to specialize in them! I think I did an AWESOME JOB with Greed 1.0 in For the Promotion of National Unity, how's that. And I am pretty happy about the way I wrote Kialan Kerilsson in The Prisoner's Dilemma.

14. Which character is the most difficult for you to portray?

I will be posting a fic soon that has a section from Yoki's POV, and he is absolutely the hardest character I've ever written, HANDS DOWN. WHAT IS HIS MOTIVATION EVEN. DOES HE ACTUALLY HAVE ONE.

15. Tag five other authors!

I hate tagging people for memes! But if other people want to steal this, I would be interested in reading lots of other people's thoughts on their own fic. Also, it would make me feel slightly less self-indulgent.

fic, memeage

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