Obedient to my promise, I
did what you guys told me and spent my weekend marathoning You're Beautiful. For the amazingly terrible and glorious assault on fashion, good taste and sanity that follows, therefore, you have only yourselves to blame.
How do you solve a problem like Go Mi Nyu?
Obviously, you disguise her as her rising pop-star ~identical twin brother~ - exiled for a month to America to heal from embarrassingly botched cosmetic eye surgery - and make her join a boyband.
It's just like The Sound of Music, except with more cross-dressing, screaming fanclubs, internal slashfic, and fakeout incest.
Go Mi Nyu is pretty happy with her life as a novice nun! Her Mother Superior is awesome, she gets to wash the naked statues every day, and she's going off to Rome pretty soon. That is, until her brother's manager appears and begs her on his knees to come impersonate her twin brother Go Mi Nam for a month. Just a month! And then he'll come back and everything will be fine! Go Mi Nyu reluctantly accepts, once he points out that if Go Mi Nam becomes a famous pop star, MAYBE THEY'LL BE ABLE TO FIND THEIR LONG-LOST PARENTS. (The twins, you see, are also tragic orphans.)
Fortunately, when she goes to singing tryouts with the boyband A.N.JELL, nobody notices that Go Mi Nyu's voice is THE MOST GIRLISH VOICE known to man; they are too busy staring at the rays of heavenly light and flights of birds that appear when she sings the Ave Maria.
(MASCULINE . . . or THE MOST masculine???)
These are her new coworkers! She'll fit right in. You may ask me to explain the cowl, the sunglasses, the shawl; I can explain none of these things. Nor can I assure you that it gets better.
This is a pretty standard outfit.
It gets to the point where you don't even notice the leopard-print skinny ties. (Right to left: Shin Woo, Jeremy, and Tae Kyeung.)
Go Mi Nyu/Go Mi Nam, however, is really in no position to judge. The thing about Go Mi Nyu is - she's sweet! She's . . . not the brightest. But VERY SWEET, and determined to make the best of her new situation. It's not her fault she's so accident-prone. Or incapable of understanding incredibly heavy-handed symbolism.
This is Go Mi Nam, on her first day at work, LITERALLY FALLING ON A GUY'S LIPS. Yes. She tripped and fell on his lips. This is that kind of show. And it REVELS in it.
The dog, who over the course of the show will witness Go Mi Nyu get attacked by a bidet, accidentally tase herself unconscious, and almost drown to death because she forgot to come up for air in the swimming pool, is reserving judgment.
(The dog, by the way, is named Angelina Jolie.)
More instantly welcoming: Love Interest #1, Shin Woo!
Shin Woo is clearly the most intelligent person in the show; he figures out Go Mi Nam's secret in the first episode. Subsequently, he spends a lot of time lurking around, standing in the shadows giving people Meaningful Looks, and attempting to date poor clueless Go Mi Nam without actually TELLING HER HE'S DOING SO, or in fact that he even knows she is female.
In which Shin Woo STALKS GO MI NAM TO A RESTAURANT and sits behind her without her noticing, sneakily ordering food for her, instructing the waitstaff to tell her it's a special promotion, and cheerfully giving her instructions on where to go next in town so he can stalk her further and, at the end, GRANDLY REVEAL them to have been on a date the whole time.
And this is Shin Woo's face when, instead of following his grand plan, Go Mi Nam blithely wanders off to meet up with somebody else. I LOL'D.
My real problem with Shin Woo is that he knows his would-be girlfriend has approximately the IQ of a puppy dog - in fact, he explicitly compares her to a puppy dog! multiple times! - and yet he continues with all the elaborate games-playing and expects her to pick up on it when she is clearly incapable of doing so. FIND SOMEONE YOUR OWN INTELLIGENCE TO CREEPER ON, SHIN WOO.
In the opposite corner, we have Jeremy, who is basically the last person in the world to find out Go Mi Nam's secret.
A lot about Jeremy is explained once you realize that he is addicted to reading the slashy RPF written about the band.
That's right, Jeremy! FLEE the seductive wiles of your new bandmate! BEFORE THE LOVE TRIANGLE BECOMES A LOVE QUADRANGLE.
Jeremy is actually my favorite. He is both hilarious and a total sweetheart; when he's depressed he watches ridiculous videos of the band's early appearances on game shows to cheer himself up. Angelina Jolie is his dog (AND GO MI NAM HAD BETTER NOT STEAL HER AFFECTION) and he likes video games and motorcycles and throwing ridiculous parties.
This is a pretty standard day in Jeremy's life.
Now that he is no longer British royalty, I mean.
However, even Jeremy - also not the brightest bulb in the shed - is way too emotionally competent for Go Mi Nam. For that, we have to look at who stands behind Door Number Three: TAE KYEUNG.
Tae Kyeung is the band's leader, an impossibly cool, domineering, arrogant alpha male who -
Okay, let's start over again.
Tae Kyeung . . . is basically Edward Cullen. OF 'GROWING UP CULLEN.' He's a control freak and a neat freak and compulsive tidier who panics if someone sets an unfamiliar item on his table; he's allergic to shellfish and pollen and sunflower seeds, and afraid of the dark. AND OF BUNNY RABBITS. He has a secret closet of stuffed animals in the back of his giant pop star apartment. I don't know how this kid became a teen idol BUT I LOVE THAT IT IS SO.
This is right before he gets chased through the idyllic Korean fields by a small pig.
Tae Kyeung's signature expression is this amazingly prissy sneer. IT IS A THING OF BEAUTY. I find it so hilarious that I had to make a small collage for myself to look at when I needed a laugh.
Of course his smile (which you see for the first time in, like, episode seven) is not less entertaining.
Hilariously, the rest of the cast is completely baffled that out of this parade of gentlemen, Go Mi Nam finds her heart fluttering the most for Tae Kyeung. "That guy?" they say. "Seriously - that guy?" But it makes perfect sense to me! Tae Kyeung is also probably the only person in the world who is more emotionally incompetent than Go Mi Nam.
The first time they kiss, he is so confused as to WHY HE WOULD DO THAT that he immediately goes straight back to his room and WRITES OUT A FLOWCHART to attempt to rationalize this inexplicable action! He is the only fitting mate for the girl who believes that her sexual attraction to a guy is due to leftover static electricity from zapping herself with her own taser.
LOOK AT THESE CUNNING DISGUISES, MAN. Yeah. They are of a pair. And I am not ashamed to admit that I was totally invested in these two crazy kids getting together.
Of course, the problem with a plot full of romantic polygons and gender confusion when everyone lives in the same house is that SOMEONE IS ALWAYS WATCHING.
Around the door!
From the rooftop!
Over the wall of the urinal!
From the secret webcam in front of which you are blithely stuffing your fake jock strap!
FROM RIGHT BEHIND YOU! This is Manager Ma, by the way - Go Mi Nam's manager and probably the least intelligent person in the series. Which is impressive, considering.
Manager Ma and his sidekick, the band's judgmental stylist, spend most of their time bumbling around and screwing up their goal of keeping Go Mi Nam's secret. I love them a lot, largely because Manager Ma's inner mind theater is HYSTERICAL.
He fantasizes in dance sequences and hilariously meta parodies of other genres. With Manager Ma around, EVERY EPISODE is a musical episode. IT IS AMAZING.
These are some of A.N.JELL's fangirls. They are the Greek chorus of the show, lurking on the outskirts and dispensing valuable wisdom about the group, like Shin Woo's secret past as the Karate Kid.
This is the reporter who is aware that Go Mi Nam has a secret! WHAT COULD IT POSSIBLY BE. AND WHO IS THE MYSTERIOUS WOMAN IN THE CENTER OF A.N.JELL?
SO. THAT HAPPENED. (I found out about the show, by the way, from
this amazing picspam by
darkeyedwolf, which is ten times more hysterical than mine. I can now vouch for it that every word is true.)