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IT WAS SO HARD TO DECIDE ON AN ICON FOR THIS COMMENT peri_peteia July 17 2010, 00:01:17 UTC
;_____; Dangerous Ladies. Oh my girls. Painful but lovely.

And the I read the Appa one AND CRIED FOREVER WHAT EVEN. MY HEART EXPLODING. Even though this is sweet and happy it somehow took me immediately back to when Appa was LOST and specifically Appa's Lost Days aka the ONLY episode of Avatar I can never, ever, ever, ever rewatch because it just EMOTIONALLY DESTROYS ME. So uh. Tears forever?!?! BUT GOOD JOB.

Sokka and Zuko and Mai and poetry...I HAVE NO WORDS FOR HOW PERFECT THIS IS. Just NONE. NONE. I'mma just sit here like this *____* for a while AHHHHHH OTPEEEEE OTBFFFFFF <333333 So long have I wanted people who are not me to write fic about Zuko writing Mai ridiculous poetry and other such WOOING techniques. MY DREAMS REALIZED AT LONG LAST.

I have no idea what Sun Sword even is but I read it anyway because...Riza. And also Riza having political conversations with another rad lady. Particularly political conversations focusing around delicate gender shit. I ENJOY IT.

Only drunken idiots ever try to give me flowers.

<3333333333333333333333 ROY/RIZA TO QUENCH MY EVER THIRSTING SOOOUUUUL AHHHHH I AM SORRY TO LEAVE YOU CAPSLOCKY INCOHERENT COMMENTS BUT...IT'S ALL I GOT. hKAJ but omg their first careful steps into ~new territory~ which they handle with the same old banter because it's what they're comfortable with and omg. So great. I LOVE THIS.

And finally HAHAHAHAHAHA ROY'S WORST NIGHTMAAAAARE. Losing all his people to Briggs. <3333 Amazing. AMAZING. I am sure he will be able to woo Fuery back with ADORABLE BLACK HAYATE pictures though. (I am put in mind of this hilarious comic also.)


Re: IT WAS SO HARD TO DECIDE ON AN ICON FOR THIS COMMENT bookelfe July 17 2010, 00:25:02 UTC
Trufax: when shati gave me the Appa prompt, I opened up my browser to rewatch Appa's Lost Days and then was like, NO, I CANNOT, BECAUSE THEN I WILL WRITE THE SADDEST FIC EVER.

Zuko's wooing techniques are the BEST wooing techniques. Mostly because they fill Mai with lulz which is a good way to woo Mai, I suspect, especially when it is accompanied by ENORMOUS BLATANT EYEHARTS.

The Sun Sword books are cool! They are high fantasy that is very focused on gender and politics and power stuff and does a really good job with believable culture clash. However they are also BRICKS full of Terrible Overwrought Fantasy Names so there are pros and cons. ANYWAY I am glad you enjoyed!

AND YOUR CAPSLOCKING IS MAKING ME MAKE RIDICULOUS BEAMY FACES SO THAT IS OKAY I THINK. :DDDDDDD also sakjsldkjfdsthat comic is so hilarious and SO TRUE. Olivier's awesome (and appreciation of the awesome that is Hawkeye) is THE GREATEST THREAT OF ALL.


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