ROUND ONE: Eliminations Week #011 VOTING! - FINAL FOURTEEN!

Apr 12, 2011 16:31

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What is Bookcrush-A-Thon?

Bookcrush-A-Thon is a fangirly celebration for the best part of every YA book... the totally dreamy fictional guy who could never exist in real life!

There's been a lot of hoopla lately about Team Edward and Team Jacob, Team Peeta and Team Gale, Team Shadowhunter, Team Vampire, Team Werewolf, Team Mortals, Team Immortals, Team Team Team Team Team team team team...

...and I thought, "I wonder whose Team really has the most might."

So now Bookcrush-A-Thon is borne! It's a friendly competition ONLY. NO BASHING IS ALLOWED!

Each round of bookcrushathon will last approximately six months. Twenty-four dreamy bookcrushes. One ultimately dreamy winner per Round! Each week, one more bookcrush will be eliminated until only one is left! It's like Survivor, only not stupid.

Round #001, Week #011 ELIMINATION Voting!


In this poll, please vote for the ONE BOOKCRUSH you would LIKE TO SEE CONTINUE ON in the competition. (It will appear as two poll questions because LiveJournal won't let me put more than 10 options for one question, grrrr, but please be HONEST and vote for only ONE TO CONTINUE ON.)

Poll KeepersElimination

IN THE EVENT OF A LOSING TIE, the bookcrush who gets the most votes as an ELIMINATION will be the one to leave this week.  Please vote for the ONE CHARACTER you think DOES NOT DESERVE TO GO ON IN THE COMPETITION.

Poll LosersWE'RE DOWN TO THE FINAL 14! Remember, you can grab a banner for your favorite boy HERE!


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