Для тех кто в NY

Apr 19, 2005 17:13

Benjamin Rosenbaum

"... I'm going up to NYC tomorrow to read my stories at KGB Bar.
Wednesday April 20th at 7pm at
KGB Bar, 85 East 4th Street (just off 2nd Ave, upstairs.)
"In the years since it opened in 1993, KGB has become something of a
New York literary institution. Writers hooked up in the publishing
world read here with pleasure and without pay to an adoring public
over drinks ....Admission is free, drinks are cheap and strong, and
the level of excellence is such that KGB has been named best literary
venue in New York City by New York Magazine, the Village Voice, and
everyone else who bestows these awards of recognition."
-- from http://www.kgbbar.com/about.shtml

В свой первый день у нас на работе, он меня ошарашил вопросом на чистом русском: "А где вечеринка?" - это его в Израиле для активного изучения языка, по его просьбе поселили не_с_англоязычными. И какой же он язык выучил в результате?
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