random post has no coherent topic

Aug 20, 2012 20:47

But y'all love me anyway.


Today I successfully made my bed like an adult and hung up my laundry. I also swept up all the litter that my cat likes to kick out of his box and cleaned said litterbox. Tomorrow: washing the bathroom floor and one random challenge from the UFYH app. Yes, I bought it. I want my living spaces to be clean, not just neat.


An extremely thought-provoking and eloquent post on cultural appropriation, here. Especially relevant to me, since I'm dealing with a lot of cultures in my writing that I am not a part of (Shine Like It Does especially).


I mostly just want to keep this post for my own reference, but for anyone else interested: Confessions of a Ramadan Rookie.


Tomorrow's my last day of Being An Adult and working 9 to 5. Thank God. I hate customer service at the best of times, and doing it all day every day makes me twitchy and anxious. On the bright side, all the moneys will be mine.

Next week, classes AND my library job start at the same time. Wish me luck getting to both in a reasonable approximation of 'on time,' because I will need it.


Writing is going decently well. I'm 1/4 of my portraits for RF's summer challenge, and nearly done with the flavors I said I'd do (not to mention lawn green). I think if I write like a ninja Wednesday through Friday, I will triumph. Wish me luck there too!


I still owe you guys feels on Nico/Phillip and The Squire's Tales. They're coming, I swear. The second one may wait until I reread the books, because I'm reading a book called Idylls of the Queen right now, and while I'm enjoying it, I'm a little ticked that Gaheris seems to be taking a bunch of the falls for what were, in Malory, Lancelot's fuckups. And I like Gaheris much more than Lancelot. But after I finish it I'm going to read The Savage Damsel and the Dwarf, which will restore my Gaheris-wounded soul. Also, Kai/Kay in Idylls of the Queen is a brilliantly sarcastic and bitter misanthrope and I LOVE HIM okay and his bromance with Lynet/Lynette. They only had about five pages together and it is clear that they have a bromance going on. As do Gawain/Gawaine and Lancelot, which... it's nice to see that, usually they hate each other. Oh! And Mordred is a dick-- par for the course-- but at least he's an entertaining dick, which is new.

Basically, I highly recommend this book if only for Kai being a cranky grouch who much prefers the people who work for him to the knights who are theoretically his peers. And Lynet remains fabulous as always. Bless her and her thoroughly opinonated self.

This entry is crossposted at http://bookblather.dreamwidth.org/93882.html. Please comment over there if possible.

i r real grownup, real life, unfucking my habitat, i r real writer, omg so awesome, can't stop the signal, meh

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