1) This post brought to you by my shiny new computer, Belladonna.
Nothing terrible happened to Basil-- he was just old and slow, and ready to be retired. I have a birthday coming up (in six days, to be precise) so my dad bought me Belladonna as an early birthday present. She is quite shiny-- I like her very much. Even if she does have the weirdest scrolling system ever and no buttons on her touchpad.
2) I survived work. It was easier than expected. I'm still actively searching for a new job, but I'll be okay until I find one.
3) On the bright side of job hunting, my local librarians have told me that the library budget will be going up in July, and some new positions will be opening up. Wish me luck! I want a library job so bad I can't even. I was looking at comperable reference librarian positions, for after I get my MLIS, and you guys, they are so perfect. Exactly what I want to do, 30 hours a week, health and dental insurance included, and enough pay to support myself, my cat, my internet, and my pony and book habits. If I move in with my BFF Katie, I will have even more money to support said habits, but even if I don't, I will be content. This is my dream job, guys. COME ON, WORLD. LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN./
4) I'm a little rusty at job-hunting, in all its shapes and forms. Tips and tricks from anyone? Any advice is welcomed.
5) I am DEFINITELY in a slow writing period. I have a number of large stories in my head that I'm writing down, piece by slow piece, but short stories ain't happening. Which is okay; it'll just be a while before I post anything on RATS.
6) Related to 2: I had a very crazy day this week, and an only slightly less crazy day immediately after. I'm... surviving, mostly by reading true crime, eating a lot of ice cream, and petting my cat a lot. It seems to be working. But time will tell.
7) Whoever said cats don't care about their owners was lying. The whole time I was not okay, my cat was sitting on my chest purring his little heart out. When I stopped crying, he got up and ran away so my dog could take his turn sitting on my chest and giving me puppy kisses. Liars. And I'm glad.
8) I am watching Criminal Minds, and I am OH so glad that I am. Reid and Garcia and JJ and Prentiss are my favorites ever. Also Morgan. And Rossi (I met him! I LOVE HIM.). And Gideon. And Hotch, when he's not being a butt. Basically all of them. FOREVER.
9) I swear to God I'm going to finish that alternate-universes meme this weekend. I SWEAR IT. *thumps chest*
10) Loved the Avengers movie, with a few quibbles
: I really didn't like Loki's use of sexual threats and the term "mewling quim," nor did I like some pieces of Natasha's treatment, and it was kind of obviously... Straight White Guys Have Adventures and Samuel L. Jackson Kicks Ass. Which, you know. Sad day. Very narrow.
But apart from that. Nick Fury and Maria Hill and Coulson = awesome. Tony and Bruce should be science bros forever. Thor remains my favorite. I want to teach Steve how to fistbump and hang out with Clint and Natasha and listen to their stories. I ship pretty much Everyone/Everyone, but especially Tony/Pepper, Tony/Steve, Tony/Steve/Pepper, Tony and Bruce Do Science Forever, and Clint and Natasha = Team Awesome BFFs Who Occasionally Have Sex Because Have You Seen Clint's Biceps and Basically All of Natasha. But really, everyone in this movie should just be. Yes. It's a chosen family thing, what can I say.
So, basically, when this comes out on DVD it will be mine. MINE. MUAHAHAAHAHAHAHA.
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