Five-Second Review, Steampunkified: The Girl in the Steel Corset, Katy Cross

Mar 27, 2012 18:36

Gentle Reader:

I chose to peruse this volume because it promised steampunk and mayhem in a world that gives lip-service to proper Victorian ethos while actually descending to the most base debauchery imaginable-- essentially, Gentle Reader, magic in the Victorian Era. England, to be precise. I anticipated great amusement, and perhaps drawing useful lessons on the subject of always ensuring one's corset was steel-boned, in order to better deflect knives and weapons of that sort.

But o, what horrors are these! What, Gentle Reader, should meet my view in Chapter Five but a description of our heroine wearing a corset outside of her dress? O, calamity!

Corsets, as my no-doubt-educated reader may perhaps be aware, are undergarments. A person of the female persuasion, and no doubt some people of the male or gender-neutral persuasions as well, wears such an item beneath their clothing, not above it. Indeed, it is in the very word undergarments, under garments.

The author, though no doubt most cunning and clever at her craft, in failing to observe this minor detail has lost my trust in her understanding of the Victorian ethos. I do not desire to read a book set in modern times with magic; if I did, I would be reading urban fantasy, Gentle Reader, and no doubt not speaking in this ridiculous manner. Details are important, and should be treated accordingly.

Yours &c,
A Lady

five-second review, steampunk, meh

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