Okay, so, you guys know that I don't much like superhero comics, right? I follow some of them-- mostly Marvel-- but I generally don't enjoy them much because they get kinda dark and gritty, and frequently bad things just keep happening one after another. You don't get much of superheroes just hanging out, so I burn out pretty quickly, and of course Marvel's running a new Civil War event, because nobody wanted Civil War to begin with so of course we want another one?? Idek. And then of course there's Captain America being a secret Hydra agent, which, do not even get me started because I will start punching people.
But then, in the darkness, a glimmering ray of hope, or rather, two.
Ms. Marvel is one. My love for Kamala Khan knows no bounds and is eternally undying.
The other is the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl.
If you've never heard of Squirrel Girl, she's... I believe she's technically the most powerful hero in the Marvel Universe, due to defeating such worthies as (in the two volumes I'm reviewing today alone) Kraven, Doctor Doom, Galactus, Modok (briefly), and an ancient Norse enemy I'm not going to name because the surprise is delightful.
Actually, the entire comic is delightful. I went through both volumes in a single sitting and I do not regret a single thing. Squirrel Girl herself is attending college as her brand new secret identity Doreen Green and has just met her roommate Nancy Whitehead when who should turn up but Kraven the Hunter. Squirrel Girl spends the rest of volume one defeating various villains while attempting to keep her secret identity from Nancy. In volume two, she makes some other superhero friends and has a run-in with the Avengers, in which she defeats Steve Rogers, Captain America, Spider-Man, Hawkeye, and the Black Widow in 26 seconds flat. Plus, every issue begins with a brief Facebook exchange with the likes of Hulk and Iron Man.
The art is wonderfully cartoony and the writing silly and fun. It's a lighthearted take on superheroes that I just adore. Squirrel Girl and her friends just seem to enjoy life in a way that a lot of superheroes either don't or aren't allowed to. It's just such a joy. I loved the first two volumes and I can't wait to get my hands on the rest.
If you're tired of doom and gloom and destruction of lives, give the Unbeatable Squirrel Girl a go. It's really a delight. And then go read Ms. Marvel because everyone should.
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