What Are You Reading Wednesday

Aug 06, 2014 08:29

Since I am awake FAR too early:

What are you currently reading?

Disease, Mary Dobson. Yes, this appears on a lot of my other ones. I picked it up again because I hadn't got to the lifestyle diseases yet.

Athena's Conquest, by Catherine Blair. I wanted a Regency romance and this one is quite fun.

Henry VIII: The King and His Court, by Alison Weir. Slow going.

Joust, Mercedes Lackey, although I'm beginning to lose interest in this one. It's the second time I've read it and I might just take it back to the library without finishing.

My Antonia, Willa Cather. This reads like a love letter to the American prairie, which is not at all bad. I'm enjoying it so far.

What did you recently finish reading?

The Amazing Mrs. Pollifax, by Dorothy Gilman. I love Mrs. Pollifax so much! She's an elderly lady who decided one day that her life was boring, so she went down to the CIA and asked where she could sign up. And since they happened to need somebody as innocuous as a little old lady, Mrs. Pollifax became probably the best CIA agent ever. Highly recommended; she's fantastic. This is the second book in the series; The Unexpected Mrs. Pollifax is the first.

Also apparently there is a movie with Angela Lansbury, and if you've seen it, tell me immediately how it is.

The Talisman Ring, by Georgette Heyer. This is an old favorite. I just wanted to reread it because I needed a dose of Eustacie and Ludovic's ridiculousness and Tristram being 100% done with everything and Sarah egging everyone on for the sheer hilarity of it.

What do you think you’ll read next?

More library books, likely!

This entry is crossposted at http://bookblather.dreamwidth.org/276247.html. Please comment over there if possible.

henry viii is a douche, romance, what are you reading wednesdays, history, fantasy, mystery, classic

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