What have you recently finished reading?
The Invention of Murder, by Judith Flanders.
geena, I think you should read this one: it's all about delightfully bloody murders and the way the Victorians reveled in them. I enjoyed it very much. Although it did make me wonder: why are we still so obsessed with Jack the Ripper? The perpetrator is long dead by now, and we as a society do not have a good track record of caring about the deaths of prostitutes. There was certainly a HUGE newspaper outcry, so maybe that was part of it, and the fact that the murderer was never caught. We as a society DO have a good track record of caring about conspiracy theories.
Castle in the Sky, Diana Wynne Jones. I needed me some more Sophie'n' Howl.
What are you currently reading?
Alias Grace, by Margaret Atwood. It's due at the library, plus it's really good. She's writing about a Victorian Canadian murderer, Grace Marks, so I'm seeing a lot of interesting parallels and echoes with The Invention of Murder, plus this is one of her "hit" books for me.
Blood and Beauty, Sarah Dunant. BORGIAS. WOOOO.
The King of Elfland's Daughter, Lord Dunsany. I keep restarting it because it's so pretty and I just want to sit down and read it all at once. Maybe I'll do that tomorrow. I have nothing else to do but change the license plates on my car.
The Moon and the Sun, Vonda McIntyre. Still Versailles mermaids! Awesome mermaids! WOOOO.
Double Deception, by Maria Greene. It's a silly Regency romance. I love them.
Henry VIII: The King and His Court, by Alison Weir. She's one of my favorite historians, and this is one of her books I haven't read, and I have yet to not be reading a book about how much Henry VIII is a dick.
What will you read next?
Beats me! Probably whatever I have out of the library. But maybe not. BECAUSE BOOKS.
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