• What are you currently reading?
I have cut down on my currently-readings significantly! Aren't you proud of me.
Currently, I'm reading Delicate Edible Birds, by Lauren Groff, which is a collection of short stories. I've only read two so I don't have hold of the central theme as yet, but they're really, really good and also kind of stabbing me in the heart repeatedly? Definitely must pick up Groff's full-length novel, The Monsters of Templeton.
Mirror, Mirror, a collection of short stories based off fairy tales. The first one, by JD Robb, was about the same level of quality as the rest of her books--good, but nothing really to write home about. The second one was so goddamn boring it took me almost three weeks to read. I'm in the middle of the third but I might just stop because Jesus that second story, just. Wow.
SHERLOCK HOLMES, by the one, the only, Arthur Conan Doyle. I recently came into possession of the Complete Works, so I'm going through them all. HOLMES AND WATSON ON THE CASE. And Watson doesn't like jam! Mostly. I haven't got much of Lestrade yet but what I have makes me full of joy.
(also, randomly, I may start watching Sherlock again just because Mary Morstan is apparently unbelievably awesome. Thoughts?
geena, I already know what you're going to say but you can say it anyway if you like.)
At Home, by Bill Bryson, which I'm actually listening to in the car, but so far it's thoroughly fascinating. Bryson and I have a mixed history, but At Home (and A Brief History of Nearly Everything) seem to almost entirely eliminate the things I don't like (a weird sort of xenophobic snobbery, fatshaming) while pumping up the things I do (lots of information, hilarious random facts). I might actually buy these two books.
Plus two books that I'm honestly only a couple of pages into so I can't speak to the quality: An Unquiet Mind, by Kay Redfield Jamison, which I've borrowed from my therapist and need to return, and Destiny of the Republic, by Candice Millard, because All I Know About President Garfield I Learned From Assassins. And that was mostly about the guy who shot him.
• What did you recently finish reading?
I just finished reading every single Calvin and Hobbes book I own (my CHILDHOOD you guys my CHILDHOOD),
Triangle: The Fire that Changed America, and
The Stranger Beside Me. • What do you think you’ll read next?
Hmm. I had a dream about Naomi Novik's His Majesty's Dragon last night, so I'll likely reread that series, especially as my dad gave me the latest one for Christmas. I've got a ton of nonfiction out of the library, so that'll be next. Ooh, Ms. Pollifax! Ms. Pollifax is DEFINITELY on the list. And Lauren Goff's novel The Monsters of Templeton, since I'm enjoying her short stories so much. To be honest, though, I'll probably just read whatever I trip over next. As you do.
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