What are you currently reading?
Get Me Out, by Randi Hutter Epstein, a history of childbirth and pregnancy. Really interesting, especially when compared to Virgin: An Untouched History; the two play off each other in unexpected ways. Also One Good Earl Deserves a Lover, by Sarah MacLean, who has clever titling patterns and in this one at least a heroine I REALLY want to follow.
There's also Ethics for the New Millenium, by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, which is sometimes difficult to follow but very much worth the read (and connected to The Sociopath Next Door in some frankly freaky ways). The Seamus Heaney translation of Beowulf--he
died recently, and when authors die I try to pick up their books as an act of physical memorialization. The Essential Rumi, still (I only read this outside). And The Devil's Cub, by Georgette Heyer, which has the Alpha Hero to End All Alpha Heroes, but the heroine is amazing and he does figure out that she's approximately a billion times better than him by the end of the book.
What did you recently finish reading?
The Sociopath Next Door, by Martha Stout PhD. It's... oversensationalistic and I had Sociopath!Aaron lolling in the back of my head at some of it, but it can be very illuminating at times, and shed some definite light on a recent experience. Fortunately I was already resolved to live by rule #13 (Living well is the best revenge).
Eleven Scandals to Start to Win a Duke's Heart, by Sarah MacLean. Like I said, creative naming techniques, but I don't really know how to feel about this book. I felt sometimes that the hero and heroine were engaging in an "unlikeable people" contest, and though they both smartened up by the end and there were some genuinely touching moments along with some hilarity, it's not a book I really enjoyed all that much. I would love to see Georgiana and Penelope get their own books, though. SO MUCH.
What do you think you'll read next?
Crocodile on the Sandbank, by Elizabeth Peters, and The Space Merchants by Frederik Pohl. See my thing about authors who die. Apart from that-- whatever I pick up next!
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