31 Days of Blogging: What's In Your Handbag

Aug 16, 2013 13:10

Sadly for you all, I just cleaned it out. So:

1) A Metro SmarTrip card because I am so not going to pay two extra dollars every trip for a paper farecard. Screw that. Plus I can park in the closer lot, now that the cheaper lot matched the closer lot's prices.

2) Wallet the first. This is the one that I use on a daily basis: it has my credit cards, my driver's license, my library card, and whatever cash I have.

3) Wallet the second. This one has my student ID, my Library of Congress reader's card, various insurance things, an emergency credit card, and John Adams.

4) A small journal, about four inches by seven inches. It's sort of like a memory book; I have a bunch of addresses in there, some passwords, etc. It's a place to write things down in.

5) A pen.

6) A... peppermint, for some reason.

7) Anna Karenina. Which is heavy. I will be very glad when I've finished this book (also because oh my god Anna and Vronsky I just want to slap them both upside the head. Stop doing the unrequited love switcheroo thing or whatever the hell you think you're doing! STOP IT).

8) The Suspicions of Mr. Whicher. Favorite.

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meme sheep says baa, i r real writer

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