Jun 15, 2005 12:39
OK, so I presented my (kickass) bill summary. Once I convinced the Senator that the bill was not about abortion (he thought it was RU-486) He was all, "ohhhh". The bill would require hospital emergency rooms in MA to provide EC to rape victims. Kind of a "well, duh" proposition in my book, but 12 out of 71 hospital emergency rooms in Massachusetts don't. And Catholic hospitals claim that they provide EC...but they'll only do it pre-ovulation. Essentially screwing over that poor girl who really may be impregnated by her rapist.
But I'm thisclose to pulling this off.
Also: If you're in MA, give your state rep or senator a call and say you support this legislation. It's Senate Bill 2073, An Act To Provide Timely Access to Emergency Contraception.