Jan 31, 2008 18:10
El Munadi came back from a business trip in Vietnam ill. He had fever, cough, headache and body aches. I followed 2 days later. I actually missed 3 days of work! El Munadi and I went to the doctor on Tuesday and I am very glad we did. Something about K's cough had the doctor checking his oxygen levels. So he gets this respiratory treatment. The doctor sort of fits me into the treatment by sort of looking at me from a distance. I I coughed several times during the visit and ended up with the same treatment. I am sure if more was wrong he would have checked. The expectorant was annoying but I could feel the effect shortly. K and I have not been this sick in quite a while and I hope to never have this again. Both of us have not had much of an appetite and probably have lost a little weight. Unfortunately this is not long standing. I know Joeguppy has been sick but I hope nobody else is.