Male/Female Writing

Aug 21, 2008 01:45

So, I was going to post about my adventures on this vacation, but that's going to have to wait. Thanks to
faerydragonet, I found the following meme:

The Blogalyser reveals...

Your blog/web page text has an overall readability index of 13.

This suggests that your writing style is conventional
(to communicate well you should aim for a figure between 10 and 20).Your blog has 27 sentences per entry, which suggests your general message is distinguished by verbosity
(writing for the web should be concise).





Your text shows characteristics which are 57% male and 43% female
(for more information see the Gender Genie).
Looking at pronoun indicators, you write mainly about yourself, then the world in general and finally your social circle. Also, your writing focuses primarily on the present, next the past and lastly the future.

Find out what your blogging style is like!

It was the fact that I apparently write like a male that intrigued me. So, I went on Gender Genie, read the article there, then tried out some of my writing on their test. Apparently, my non-fiction is mostly male, while my fiction is more female (even when I'm writing in the PoV of male characters). That makes sense, since according to the study, females are supposed to use personal pronouns more, and I'd use those more in fiction than non-fiction. On the other hand, determiners, numbers, and quantifiers are supposedly more male, and I'd use more of those in my non-fiction. I thought my blog posts should be more female (and apparently some individual ones are), but I guess I don't write about people I know all that often, so maybe they're more male. *shrug*

Anyway, I was going to look at it more, but as is usual when I write these posts, it's late and I'm tired. So I'll "continue the research" with you guys: do you write like a male or a female?

men, meme, women

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