Title: Studying Author: Bookaddict Characters: River, Simon, Kaylee, Jayne Rating: PG Word count: 100 Comments: originally written for firefly100. Prompt: watch
Wow - this is just exceedingly well done. You've conveyed so much here, without having much actually happening. A gem of a scene.
I think this is one of the things I find appealing about Firefly fanfics: You can do an active, over-the-to scene (which is where my stories tend to end up), but you can also do this sort of subtle, understated scene (which I think is a wonderful thing, especially when done as well as you have here), and both types of scenes are true to the feel of the original.
This is wonderful. Almost like a snapshot capturing so much in so little. I love pieces that convey so much with so little. (And gorramnit, I'm just wordy as hell...)
whuh? I thought I commented already! LJ must have eaten my comment this morning or something. I love how you show Jayne's private vs. public self here, and how Simon is seeing it for the first time and realizing just what it means *GLOMPS*
River and Simon have such an interesting shorthand that I find really tough to work with, but it feels so well phrased and the scene is set so cleanly that it makes sense here. Well done darlin'.
Comments 10
I think this is one of the things I find appealing about Firefly fanfics: You can do an active, over-the-to scene (which is where my stories tend to end up), but you can also do this sort of subtle, understated scene (which I think is a wonderful thing, especially when done as well as you have here), and both types of scenes are true to the feel of the original.
This is wonderful. Almost like a snapshot capturing so much in so little. I love pieces that convey so much with so little. (And gorramnit, I'm just wordy as hell...)
Love your icon btw...
“Fascinating,” said River.
River and Simon have such an interesting shorthand that I find really tough to work with, but it feels so well phrased and the scene is set so cleanly that it makes sense here. Well done darlin'.
Anyways, I love the image of Jayne standing there all vulnerable and exposed… At least that’s the picture I got. ; )
Jayne being exposed and vulnerable was just what I was aiming for! *bounces*
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