Corresponding notes: Part twenty-one: Kaylee

Jun 11, 2007 22:10

Title: Corresponding notes: part twenty-one: Kaylee
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Kaylee, Crew, OCs
Rating: PG13
Timeline: post the break-up
Disclaimer: Firefly and all its characters are the property of Joss Whedon
Word count: 3075
Comments: Because Ma started writing to Kaylee and River too I had to write this off-shoot from the Letters series. Previous chapters here. Thanks to cantonheroine for the banner and icon.

Dear River, Sweetie it weren’t your fault you know. Things happen out in the Black that noone can be prepared for not even clever folks like you and Simon. You fly real good pirates are desperate folks your skills are wonderful youre just as good as Wash ever was. Girl tell me what happened when you kissed the Captain and Jayne what did they do? Im expecting Jayne was all grumpy and went on about Moonbrains and things I wish he wouldnt. I bet the Captain jumped a mile then got all gruff am I right? Please tell me. Those two are fun to tease I think. Whats the new mechanic like is he looking after my girl? Jayne says he keeps out of the way what does that mean? I hear that youre on your way back to the Heart of Gold poor things getting hit like that I hope theyre alright. Im nearly finished at the mine and am busy helping Ellen with the hothouse and her flowers. Next Ive got work in Booral again at the new shoe factory. They got these old machines to start off with and need them fixed. Mr Thames is lending me a horse again and Im riding over with one of Matties friends each day. I miss Lion while Im gone but he keeps company with Ellen and the other animals. Ellen says he sits out on the porch every afternoon and as soon as he hears the horses hooves comes running. Poor Jayne he dont like doing nothing how do you keep him amused? Matties well and working hard. We bought him a suit when we was in Gowan and he looks so fine. Youll be a puddle of goo when you see him in it River. Hows Fifi and all my friends? I hear from Nara and you and Jayne but Zoe aint much for writing and the Captain is even worse. Don’t you be hard on yourself girl no more of this blaming thing. Love Kaylee

Dear Kaylee,

You are a wonderful friend and always know what to say. Do you really think I fly as well as Wash? I know I’m good, but he had a natural talent that would be hard to acquire.

The mechanic has already abandoned us, he left at Greenleaf. Apparently that was his intention all along, but he told no-one. Of course now the Captain is fuming. But don’t worry Kaylee; the ship is in good repair. Jayne’s care for the engine and for following your lists has been admirable, and our temporary mechanic kept everything as you like it.

We’ve been at The Heart of Gold a week now, but there is much more to be done. Fortunately all the occupants of the whorehouse made it to their vault and none were injured. The house and nearby town are a mess, we may be here longer than we first thought. I want to help these people Kaylee, but at the same time am longing to see you, Mattie and Ellen again.

Jayne is improving and thankfully is almost back to full strength. You are right, he doesn’t like to be idle and we’ve had a hard time keeping him still long enough to heal properly. Simon has allowed him to start lifting his weights again and we watch assiduously to make sure he doesn’t overdo it. As I told Ellen, he likes to be read to, and since I like to read we have found a common ground. I don’t mind him calling me Moonbrain and Crazy Kaylee. I have long since realised that these days those names are almost terms of affection.

Your Lion cat sounds very faithful, just like my Fifi. She is well, happy and a trifle smug. The smugness is because she has bitten the evildoers who tried to board our ship. The devastation on the planet has attracted the usual scavengers, and two of these attempted to steal from Serenity. They were foiled by a brave dog and disgruntled mercenary, who have become the heroes of the hour.

Zoe is well, but a bit melancholy at the moment. I notice that she becomes that way when we visit old haunts so always sit with her and ask questions. This time it was she who asked questions and offered counsel about my worries; thank you dear friend for arranging that.

You are correct about the Captain and Jayne’s reaction to my kiss. Jayne nearly knocked down his chair getting away from me and then stomped down the passage muttering about craziness. Later he cornered me and gave me a lecture about being Mattie’s girl and that I must be wary of other men. Am I Mattie’s girl? I must ask him.

You mentioned getting letters from Inara, me and Jayne. Don’t you hear from Simon? Is something the matter between you? Simon is being even more reticent than usual. I love you both so much and want you to be together.

As I said, Jayne is improving and everyone else is doing well. I took some captures of our friends wearing the gifts Ellen sent so you can see for yourself. Take care dear friend and be careful on your trips to Booral.

Love River,

Dear Jayne, The mechanics gone again what happened? I know you and the Captain did you hassle him and make things hard? If hes gone are you well enough to look after our girl? I dont want my assistant getting so tired that he gets sick again I got plans you know for when I get back. I waved River like you said and gave her another list. Did it all get done? I know how the Captain is bout new parts and all but sometimes old just aint good enough. I forgot to add a few things to the list so heres another one and some coin to buy the parts. You probably wont be able to get them till you get to a core planet but keep it in mind please? Thanks for not talking bout Simon and me youre doing real good. Im still a mite down about it but am trying to think positive. Simonll talk about things when hes ready Jayne it just takes time. He aint a bit like me where everything I think just spills out hes more closemouthed. I wish though hed talk to River she keeps asking me whats wrong and I dont know what to say. Did your Ma tell you Im working over at Booral now? Theres a shoe factory started up and Im helping them out with the old machines they got. My leg still gets in the way but Ive borrowed a horse and ride over every day. Ellen and Mattie were kinda worried bout me riding over every day by myself. But they found a friend of Matties who works at the factory and I go with him. His name is Nate Prince and hes real good to me. Thanks for getting Zoe to talk to River it helped a lot and she dont feel so guilty anymore. With all this work Im getting and Ellen not taking much money from me Ive got more coin than I ever saw. I get a bit nervous it lying around so Ive opened a bank account! My very first one ever it makes me feel all accomplished. I went with a bank Nara recommended and even earn interest and all who would ever have thought it? How is everyone at the House of Gold? The girls there were nice to me I hope theyre alright. They were nice to you too Jayne are you having fun as well as working? Im sending some of my romance books to River she says you like to hear them? This has been an awful long letter and I still haven’t told you how much I love Lion and how me and Ellen are working in the hothouse together. Im so glad I can help her and Mattie out sometimes theyve been so good to me. Look after yourself Jayne. Your friend Kaylee

Kaylee, I never hassled noone this time and even Mal left him alone. Fella wanted to get to Greenleaf and took the job to do it. Mal was mad when he found out and punched the hun dan in the face he had it coming. He did awright with the repairs and kept things clean I kept an eye on that. Im looking after the engine Mal wont get another mechanic so its just as well I got those lists I guess. What sorta plans girl? I aint up for too much hard work unless theres more of that coaxing involved you know. I aint sexing none of the whores this time just working. I like the sexing in those books the best specially the ones where it happens early and not late. Nates never been offworld he aint much protection you keep a good lookout around you girl. Jayne

Dear River, Of course youre Matties girl you write to each other dont you? Youre planning to do more than writing too so I think its so. Mattie certainly thinks so he aint looked a one of the local girls the way he looks at you and he talks about you a lot. That’s pretty serious for Mattie hes real quiet bout personal things mostly. I finished my job at Booral and am back here helping Ellen. Shes a real hand at making things grow the flowers look lovely and all the vegetables are ready to pick. I really wish I could help her and Mattie more and worry bout what will happen when Im gone. With Mattie working all day Ellen will be on her own and she aint really used to that. Before shes always had Mattie to fuss over and help and now theres me. Before I finished at Booral me and Ellen went to the picture house again. The movie was about aliens River and was so scary I had nightmares I did laugh at myself over that. Thanks for sending the capture it was great to see you all again. Jayne looks awful thin though is he alright? Wasnt Fifi brave? Fancy her biting those scavengers. I dont think Lion would be good at that. Hes very good at mischief though Ill have my work cut out keeping him out of the Captains way. Ive got some news for you girl and I dont think youll like it. I didnt want to be the one to tell you River. I was hoping Simon would do that it seemed more fitting somehow but me and him broke up. He was talking bout leaving Serenity and just kinda assumed I would come with him. He didnt ask me if I would or ask for my opinion or anything just decided. I know he thought that I would come cause we love each other but he dont love me enough to talk about it first. Thats sorta muddled but its how I felt. I wrote that to him and some other stuff too and he got all offended and said maybe we didnt suit each other after all. Us arguing dont change how I feel bout you girl you know that dont you? Youre like my mei mei and that aint never gonna change. Ellen and Mattie know bout all this cause they had to listen to me crying. They been so good to me again listening to all my troubles and all. The only person on Serenity who knows is Jayne cause well I dont know why really I just always talk to Jayne. Us breaking up was a few weeks back now and Im working at being sensible about it. I want to still be friends with your brother weve shared a lot and hope we can work at that. Give my love to everyone Im so looking forward to seeing you all. Love Kaylee

Dear Kaylee,

You are like my sister and I agree that will never change, even with Simon’s incredibly silly behaviour.

I’m sorry you had to tell me as you did. I should have spoken to you sooner, but didn’t know what to say. This isn’t to say that Simon has told me anything. I inadvertently heard some of his thoughts about the situation and worked from there.

I know, dear sister Kaylee, that you’re still hiding the fact my brother wanted me to leave Serenity with him. I feel as you do. Why couldn’t the boob discuss this with me first? I know that he considers me his responsibility. But surely he realises that I’ve changed and am capable of looking after myself? I want to talk to him about all this, but am waiting till I am calmer so I can discuss it rationally.

We’ve finished our work at The Heart of Gold and nearby town. In between working I spent some time playing with Petaline’s child, Jonah. He is delightful, toddling around everywhere and getting under people’s feet. I’ve never had much contact with small children, but found that I enjoyed playing and cuddling with him very much.

Inara has arranged another job for us. This time we smuggle some antique rugs and they spoke to me Kaylee. Not in so many words of course my friend. But the emotions and memories are there, it is quite fascinating. In some ways I was sorry to deliver them, I would have loved to listen more.

We left the rugs on Bellerophon and we women had a sabbatical while the Captain and Jayne did another security job. The Lion refused to be the inside man this time, so it was the Captain who had to wear the fancy suit. His comments about his costume were as entertaining as Jayne’s; I do wish some of my Core friends could hear them.

Inara, Zoe and I enjoyed our sabbatical to the full. We visited the zoo, had another spa treatment and we also went to the picture house. My mother disliked picture houses and would never allow me to go, so I enjoyed our visit very much. The movie wasn’t a scary one though Kaylee, it was more romantical in nature. I liked it so much I went back twice!

Although he is somewhat thinner, Jayne is well Kaylee. There were many things he couldn’t eat while recovering from his stomach wound. Now that he has recovered, he has returned to eating all manner of unhealthy things, and is thriving on them. He is as well as ever, please tell Ellen. I know how much she worries for her boys.

We are on our way now to the next rendezvous. We are to pick up the cargo for Higgins Moon so are at last on our way back to you. I so look forward to seeing you all; though I’m sorry you won’t be able to test the dark corners yourself. Perhaps there is a local boy that would be willing to help you with this?

Love River

Dear Jayne, Nate did ok and I kept a good lookout like you said so we didnt have no trouble on our trips. Ive finished working over at Booral now and am doing some odd jobs in town. Mr Thames set up a corner in the shop for me and folks bring things to be fixed. I go in a coupla times a week. Lion comes too and sits beside me as good as you please. All the kids love him and he gets lots of pats the spoiled thing. Hes the best company Jayne but a bit of a mischief. We have to keep the hothouse doors closed cause he will go in and eat the leaves of the plants. Luckily he dont seem to like vegetable leaves or I think even Ellen might get cross with him. I wont ask about the bodyguarding I know how some of those Core ladies can be. But did you get the parts I asked for? Bellerophon would be the best place to pick them up. Im sending you another list bout what you should do with them and I havent forgotten the incentive either. I hope you like it the incentive I mean not the list I know how you feel bout them! I wrote to River bout me and Simon and shes gonna talk to him about telling everyone. Im sorry you’ve had to keep this quiet so long youre a good friend to me. So is River shes not mad at me or anything and still wants to be my friend and sister Im so lucky. Nara wrote again bout the wedding did you know some of her Companion friends are coming? Ellen and me are real nervous bout that and are busy making sure everything is shiny for their visit. River and Mattie are looking forward to the dark corners has he asked you for tips yet? I had to laugh when River told me that your brother is a tease. Some of the local boys have asked to be my partner at the wedding but I aint sure Im ready for that yet specially not with almost strangers nice as they are. Your Ma and Mattie have been out practising with the gun you sent and I had a go too. I remembered all the things you and Zoe taught me and hit the target good. I still dont like shooting much though Im glad that Ive got someone to do it for me. Aint that selfish? Hows my girl going and everyone on board? I miss you all and the Black so much so dont get into any trouble mind. Your friend Kaylee

Kaylee, The boats doing fine. Heres your coin back I got the parts and Nara made Mal pay for them. I liked the incentive and seeing as you sent it Ill get to fixing them like your list says. That cat sounds as spoilt as the girls dog Mal wont like it you know. Hell probably blame me for giving it to you. I can be your partner for this wedding and can help out in the dark corners too. When we get back on the boat Im real good at sexing and could learn the other stuff ifen you wanted me to. Jayne

letters, ocs, crew, kaylee

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