Them that choose it : Chapter five : Time

Oct 03, 2006 23:47

Series Title: Them that choose it
Title: Time : Chapter five : prompt #10
Author: Bookaddict
Characters: Jayne/Kaylee, Crew, OCs
Rating: M (some violence)
Timeline: Post OIS, the BDM isn't going to happen
Word count: 1864
Comments: Originally written for philosophy_20. Previous chapters and prompt table here. Thanks to bookishtype for the banner.

“But Mal,” Jayne complained. “How come I gotta baby-sit for Kaylee and her daddy?”

“You’re the best choice for the job.” Mal replied simply. “The Doc would do the doctoring bit alright, but if there were trouble wouldn’t be much help; and he would have River with him.”

Jayne nodded. They both knew that the Doctor’s sister could be a handful; somethin’ that wasn’t needed when hidin’ out.

“I want the Shepherd here to help keep Kaylee’s family calm.” Mal went on.

Zoë was needed to keep the Captain calm and Wash would stay with her, all he ever did was worry otherwise. Inara weren’t even in the runnin’, catch Mal puttin’ her in the sorta danger Kaylee would be facin’ Jayne thought resentfully.

The girl was real brave and mighty set on rescuin’ her daddy; she just weren’t that good at the fightin’ and anticipatin’ what the bad guys might do. Jayne supposed it was better he helped them; and he knew it were no good arguin’ with Mal once his mind was made up.

“Kaylee has to wear body armour;” he growled.


Lily Frye stood on the back porch covertly studyin’ Kaylee’s crewmate Jayne. She knew he was the ships’ mercenary that he fought for a livin’, it made her nervous of him. His casual approach to Jack’s injuries both worried and dismayed her. As did the fact he was goin’ to be the one guardin’ Jack and Kaylee. She wanted to speak to him, to reassure herself he would do his best by them.

Carryin’ a glass of water, she stepped off the porch and walked over to him. Lookin’ up and up again, Lily took a moment to regard the man in front of her.

Close up he was a lot bigger than she’d thought and a fair bit stronger too. Their largest axe looked small in his hands and he wielded it with considerable more power than she was used to seein’. He was all manner of intimidatin’.

Lily’s determination ebbed and she thrust the glass of water at him quickly. “Some water Mr Cobb?”

“Thanks, Mrs Frye.” Jayne took the glass from Kaylee’s jittery Mama and drank it quickly so she could leave.

Lily took the glass and even more concerned, retreated to the kitchen and addressed her daughter. “Do ya trust him Kaylee?”

“Who Mama?” Kaylee lifted her eyes from the comm. unit she was fixin’ and followed her mother’s gaze out the window to where the mercenary was still choppin’ wood.

“Jayne? ‘Course I trust him, he’s not as bad as he looks ya know. Not long back he saved my life.”

Lily considered her daughter closely. At first sight Kaylee didn’t appear to have changed much at all in her time away from them. She was still obsessed with engines, still her bright, shiny self; wearin’ her emotions on her sleeve. Apparently from what the other crew members said, she was the one to organise celebrations on board and treat everyone like family.

But she was also remarkably easy with the seamier side of the ships’ business, the crime. Of course Lily reflected, that was Kaylee too; acceptin’ what life handed her and makin’ the best of it.

“Yer gonna be with him in the middle of nowhere for the best part of two weeks girl.”

“It’s like that in the black all the time Mama.” Kaylee was amused. “We’ve been so far out we haven’t gone near a planet or skyplex for weeks sometimes.”

Kaylee enjoyed the movin’ around, the flyin’ from place to place. Oh sure sometimes when they were on a long run things could get a mite borin’. But there was always stuff to do for her girl and the other folks on board kept her from gettin’ too antsy.

“Yes but usually yer with the whole crew, not just Jayne.” Her mother protested.

“Jayne ain’t bad Mama. He’ll look after both me and Daddy good.” Kaylee frowned at her mother. “Has Mr Amos been talkin’ to ya?”

Lily looked at her daughter in surprise. Ben had been talkin’ to her, questionin’ the mercenary’s abilities, doubtin’ his honesty. How had Kaylee known that?

“Jayne nearly choked Mr Amos the day he found us.” Her daughter was pragmatic. “Men don’t get over that too easily.”

“No they don’t,” agreed her mother. And of course Ben had always had issues about Kaylee and men, which bought another thought to mind. “Are ya and Jayne….” Her voice trailed off.

“Sexin’?” Kaylee as usual had no qualms about bringin’ up the subject. “No Mama. We’re friends is all.


“Yer Mama don’t like me,” Jayne remarked firin’ up the weldin’ torch and pullin’ his glasses over his eyes.

“She’s just nervous of ya,” Kaylee smiled at him. “No-one here has met anyone like ya or the Captain or Zoe before. Yer sorta intimidatin’.”

“People are always nervous of me girl.” Jayne was well and truly used to that. “Yer Mama’s more than intimidated, she plain don’t like me and I’ve been on my best behaviour.” He complained.

Kaylee had nothin’ to say to that. Jayne might be slow, but he was pretty good at readin’ what folks thought, better than her really. “Ya been real good.” She patted him on the shoulder and fired up her own weldin’ torch. “Now we best get workin’. I still gotta put on the gorramn body armour.”


“Stop wrigglin’.” Zoe ordered as she struggled with buckles and stiff leather.

“Do I have to wear it?” Kaylee complained, “it’s so stiff. How in the ‘verse do ya manage to fight in one of these?”

“Mine has sorta moulded to my body over the years.” Zoe replied, “and was made for me anyway. This one’s just a spare and old to boot.”

Lily was watchin’ and listenin’ with interest. “How long have you worn armour?” she asked the warrior.

“Seems like most of my life.” Zoe smiled slightly. “It’s saved my life more than once.”

“So why does Kaylee need it?”

“For safety, a jail break is likely to be dangerous, folks shooting and such. Kaylee’s driving the mule and Jayne’ll be keeping the shooters busy.”

Lily looked at her daughter in horror. She’d been so focused on helpin’ Jack that she hadn’t thought of what her daughter might be doin’. Now Kaylee and he were goin’ to be in the middle of a gun fight! A gun fight!

“Will there really be shootin’?” she asked fearfully. In her whole life Lily had only seen a gun used in anger once; and that had been so long ago she’d almost forgotten it.

“We’re gonna try to be quiet Mama.” Kaylee assured her. “Jayne’s gonna knock out the jailer and we’ll steal the keys, take Daddy out the back way.”

“The shootin’?” her mother prompted.

“Is likely to happen once the Sheriff discovers your man is gone.” Zoe explained. “Having him in jail is a good deterrent to anyone else who might object to what’s going on. Letting him escape shows weakness. No-one likes that.”


After parkin’ the mule in the alley, Jayne was a mite dismayed to see a guard at the backdoor and a couple of extra guards hangin’ round the front of the jail. He was even more put out when they went inside and found the Sheriff sittin’ behind his desk.

“Well Kaylee, it’s good to see you again.”

“Brett! I didn’t know ya were the Sheriff.” Kaylee was shocked.

Why hadn’t Mama told her Brett Willock was Sheriff? Of course maybe Mama assumed she knew, or had forgotten Kaylee’s interest in him; and Mr Amos had never known ‘bout their date.

“I had to find employment and it appears that law enforcement suits me.” Brett was enjoying little Miss Kaylee’s shock and uncomfortableness with him. “I understand you’re here to visit your father?”

“Yes,” Kaylee nodded; bewildered by him. If Brett was Sheriff he was responsible for Daddy’s beatin’. It just didn’t seem like him. “Mama’s real worried ‘bout him. I said I’d bring him somethin’ to eat.”

“And your friend?” the Sheriff gestured at Jayne who was leanin’ against the wall watchin’ the conversation.

“That’s Jayne,” Kaylee said. “The Captain made him drive the mule for me.”

“Oh,” Brett, lost interest in the nonentity and concentrated on Kaylee. “Well you go in and visit your Daddy, and when you come out I’ll take you out for lunch. We could discuss his situation perhaps.”


Jack lay listlessly on his cot. His wounds were a constant dull ache and he’d been feelin’ too sick to eat. Willock had been in earlier tauntin’ him about what might happen to his family after he was hanged; and Jack was beginnin’ to despair.

He should never have stood up like he had, should never have spoken out. Steve would still be with them if he hadn’t, and the rest of the family wouldn’t be in danger.

His family - darlin’ Kaylee who even now came bouncin’ into the cells, her smile lightin’ up the whole room.

“Hi Daddy,” his daughter’s smile faltered when she saw his unattended injuries and how sick he looked, but she pasted it back on quickly. “I’ve bought some of Mama’s pie for ya. It’s better than jail cookin’ any day.”

“The man ain’t eatin’ much today.” His jailer chuckled roughly, “sick to the stomach he is. I guess I’ll have to eat it for him.”

Bendin’ over to greedily sniff at the pie, the jailer was taken by surprise when Jayne grabbed him from behind and pushed his face into the bars. Jayne caught the body before it hit the floor and lowered it to the ground as Kaylee turned quickly and started fiddlin’ with the controls of the door leadin’ back into the Sheriff’s office.

Jack watched dumfounded as the big mercenary produced the cell keys from his pocket. “Kaylee?”

“It’s a goer.” Kaylee nodded and hurryin’ over to the back door started workin’ on its control panel.

“Finished,” she said triumphantly and stood back to let the mercenary past.

Jayne flung open the door slammin’ the guard between it and the jail house wall. Jumpin’ down the step, he pushed against the door with one shoulder while reachin’ around it with the other, knife in hand. His knife slid easily through the guard’s neck muscles and the man fell without makin’ a sound.

Turnin’ back he met Kaylee’s scared eyes and gestured toward the alley. “Get goin’ girl.”

Jayne watched as she scurried quickly away and went back to fetch her father. Unlockin’ the cell he strode over to the cot and without ceremony scooped Jack up and followed Kaylee quickly out to the mule.

“Keep watch Kaylee.” Jayne ordered as he lay Jack in the trailer.

Kaylee nodded and twisted the starter, satisfied with the instant roar of the engine.

Jack found himself strapped rapidly into what amounted to a movin’ stretcher. “What’s happenin’?”

“We’re breakin’ ya out.” The big man replied.

“Jayne!” Kaylee yelled, kickin’ at the clutch.

“Go,” Jayne drew his gun and dropped to the floor of the trailer as the mule careened out of the alley.

philosophy20, jaylee, ocs, crew, firefly

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