Soccer and other ramblings

Aug 31, 2006 11:00

I love playing soccer, but sometimes I wonder why I do. Every year I manage one or two injuries. Last night I had four! Four!! I think that’s my quota for the year!

First I slipped while stopping the ball and managed to injure two sides of the same knee, knocking open an old scar and bleeding everywhere. They made me go off till the bleeding was under control…

Then I copped a ball straight in the breasts - Ouch!! And another in the genitals - Bigger ouch!!

Then to top things off I put my foot in a depression and gave my ankle a twist. And worst of all - we lost. 2 - 0

When I finally limped home and had a shower, put the child to bed etc I realised that I’d claimed a chapter of Tenuous. I did that last week too!! Sometimes I wonder where my brain has gone *Grins*

Anyway I posted my chapter though I’m not happy with it. Please go and read and either reassure or yell at me… The link

Edit: I just checked and people liked my chapter *dances*. So you can ignore my insecure rambles if you like!!

soccer, life, fics

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