Snowflake challenge - day two

Jan 03, 2012 20:45

Day 2

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you did not create. Drop a link to your post in the comments. See if you can rec fanworks that are less likely to be praised: tiny fandoms, rare pairings, fanworks other than stories, lesser known kinks or tropes. Find fanworks that have few to no comments, or creators new to a particular fandom and maybe aren't well known or appreciated. Appreciate them.

I have so many favourites of all sorts. I'm going to post 3 recs of 3 different types of fan works. (OMG how hard is it to just pick 3???)


Come on by charmax is a Firefly ensemble piece that is just awesome. I love the song and the inclusion of Serenity throughout is awesome. The editing is so great. This is the vidding I aspire to one day.

The weight of us by giandujakiss was a Festivid vid from last year and I just love it. Rebel without a cause is the source and the vidder just captures the feeling of all the characters in the movie effortlessly. It would actually make a great trailer or introduction to James Dean and his iconic movies.

Space girl also by charmax this is a multi-fandom vid which celebrates women in Science fiction movies and TV and it is awesome.


Don't let go by dire borne. Merlin/Arthur. I think the blending and awesome manic is gorgeous.

Dr McCoy's flowchart for dealing with frequent sexual harassment by pouf. Kirk/McCoy. I love the humour!

Alex O'Loughlin by Jojemo at deviant art.


Sooooo hard to choose

Five times Mary suspected Holmes and Watson were more than friends and one time she knew it to be so. by paperclipbitch. Holmes/Watson of the RDJ Sherlock incarnation. I probably recced this on my journal before, but I love it the glimpse of the two men from Mary Watson's POV and think you would too.

Five times Jayne convinced Mal to have sex with him by ana_grrl. Firefly, Jayne/Mal. Really I should just rec everything ana_grrl ever wrote, cause I loved them all. But for now... this fic is awesome in how she captures Jayne and Mal just right and provides the readers with a dose of humour along the way.

Not your mother's Alma Mater? by smittywing. Thor 2011, Darcy/Hawkeye. I have very little knowledge of this incarnation of the Marvel universe, but it doesn't matter with this story. I just love how feisty and 'normal' Darcy is and how she manages to fit in just fine with all the Secret Agents and Super heroes she suddenly is thrown into contact with.


recs, snowflake challenge, fic, graphics, vid rec

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