First line meme

Apr 22, 2010 13:35

Stolen from oddmonster & tygermama. The first line from six of my WIPs - pray I finish the reel_merlin one, 1st draft is due 17th May.

1. Through the view screen, space stretched out in front of her; magnificent, silent and…totally empty. The Out of Gas AU that was supposed to be my bigbang fic.

2. Sometimes I wish I’d made my journey sooner and never met Mr Ketchum again, but what’s done is done and we can’t change that. Mag7 fic - Obediah POV

3. He’d always wanted to come to Mars, and now he’d got his wish. reel_merlin au, my movie is Total Recall

4. “It’s not fair,” Percy’s voice broke the post-practice silence and they all looked up expectantly, eager to hear the latest litany. Merlin fic - the knights as 'red-shirts'.

5. “I’ll be taking my leave then,” I blurted it out afore Mal could keep talking, but nearly took it back when him and the others stared at me. AU from the middle of Serenity the movie. Jayne bails out at Haven.

6. Dear Ma, Got me a new job. I'd love to finish off Letters and Corresponding notes, if ony I could figure out how :D

fic, wips, meme

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