Merlin fic rec

Dec 04, 2009 14:31

I have lots more things to say about Merlin and some of the lovely fic I've been reading. But I have to go clean the house before trying obsessively to finish my Big Bang fic and wanted to share this story...


And because Arthur was raised by Uther and therefore has no idea how to handle his emotions, he blurts out, "You can't be a sorcerer because I -- say so! And you're a fucking twat! What sorcerer comes to Camelot and works for a house that condemns magic-users to death?! God, you're so stupid, Merlin! I mean that sincerely! You walk around with that stupid rope and you're all, "la la la I'm still alive even though by all rights I should be dead ten-thousand times over because I have no self-preservation to speak of and I'm a shoddy dresser' --"


"Shoddy dresser! And you're a sorcerer! That's the worst thing you could possibly be! Why couldn't you have been a bard, or a candlestick maker, or a half-decent manservant, or a prostitute? A prostitute would have been better! You know why? Because my father doesn't have prostitutes hacked at the neck!"

Most young men his age would have said "I love you" better.

Merlin gawks at him, because what do you say to that?

"I am not a shoddy dresser! And you're forgetting that I'm a wizard! A powerful, powerful wizard who could turn you into a birch tree with a thought!" That's what you say.

Arthur pales and resists the urge to stamp his foot (it's a near thing). "I hate birch trees!"**

Read and enjoy the lovely crack by mclachland Geoffrey of Monmouth was a liar, but that's ok

merlin, fic rec

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