Rambling again

Nov 28, 2009 10:08

I finally managed to get some mangoes that either the birds or bats haven't eaten! They're yummy too *mmmmmmmm*. Even though the crop isn't half as good as last year, I'll still be freezing some in the end. Mangoes for a whole year! *bounces* I still have some frozen from last year and am contemplating making chutney with them...because I have 4 glorious weeks off!!!!!!!

So maybe I'll catch up with the beta'ing I owe poor tygermama & sparrowritings. I feel so guilty ladies, that I haven't finished this. Life has just caught up with me the last few months :(

But right now I'm madly trying to finish my big bang fic - there's two days left of the week I'm supposed to post it in! Cross your fingers for me? *begs*

This year I am waaay too broke and disorganised to be sending cards :( But I love my flisters, so post a prompt and fandom I write and I'll write you something.

And just to remind you...behind the cut is the serenity_santa info. We have 4 or 5 sign-ups so far but could do with more :D

Sign-ups for serenity_santa are now open!

Are you wishing for more Firefly/Serenity fic, vid or icons? Interested in providing some?

Serenity Santa is an exchange community which operates over the holiday season. Gen, Het and slash works of all ratings are welcome.

The info post is here. Come join us and celebrate Christmas with other Browncoats!

fic, christmas, ramble, real life, serenity_santa

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