mininano entry 13

Nov 13, 2009 23:37

Bits and pieces of the Trash rewrite.

413 words of un-betaed fic :)

“Don’t exaggerate. There wasn’t that much trouble...” Saffron stopped abruptly but realised it was too late. Monty was glaring at her and Jayne was nodding vindictively.

“Jayne,” Monty turned to him. “I wanna talk to you for a moment. Mike!” he called one of his crew members over. “Don’t let her move from here.”

“What?” Jayne asked as they moved away.

“I don’t want her back on my boat,” Monty sounded defeated.

“Kaylee won’t have her on Serenity and I don’t blame her.”

“What am I going to do then?”

“Leave her here.”


“There’s a town a day’s walk away and that one always lands on her feet,” Jayne said sourly. “I sure as hell ain’t gonna worry about her, and you shouldn’t either.”


“Well thanks a lot,” Saffron watched Monty’s boat fly away with irritation. “I had a good thing going there.”

Jayne grunted and went on organising the cargo for when Serenity came to pick him up. It was his turn to be irritated when he felt the woman sneaking up behind him. “You’d better get walking, it’ll be dark soon.”

“We could carry on where we left off,” she’d got close enough to run a hand over his shoulder.

“’Cept we didn’t leave off. You got off and didn’t wreck the ship.”

“You offered your gun for me,” she pouted at him and somehow made sure he could see right down her shirt.

“Woulda done that for any woman,” Jayne weren’t going to fall for her tricks, even if his man parts were noticing her something fierce. He’d be knocked out or tied up before he knew it if he tried anything with her. “And it didn’t work anyway. You ended up with Mal remember. Now get walking and quit bothering me.”

He heaved a sigh of relief when she moved away to pick up her bag. She slung it over her shoulder and turned back for a moment. “I guess you don’t want to hear about the Lassiter then?”


“Of course I do,” Jayne snapped at her. “Remember it was me and Vera that stopped it. But she’s got a plan to do some crime. I think it might work and make us some coin.”

Kaylee grabbed him by the elbow and steered him over to the couch where Inara and Book were gathered. “We can’t trust her.”

“I know that. I figure the Shepherd could watch her while we do the crime, he ain’t likely to be fooled by her wiles.”

mininanowrimo, fic, big bang

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