mininano entry 10

Nov 10, 2009 23:02

Somewhere I've missed another day! :) But I'm pleased. At least I'm writing something (I was afraid I wouldn't) and I now have hopes that I'll actually meet the 20,000 words of my big bang fic. Cross your fingers!

364 words of un-betaed big bang fic. More bits for the Ariel re-write...

Inara smiled back. “No specifics mei mei, you know that.”

“Hints can be just as good,” Kaylee nodded. “I can get lots of mileage out of that. But to get back to your question - can you cook?”

“Can I cook?” Inara was puzzled at the apparent tangent the conversation had taken.

“Sure,” Kaylee nodded. “Jayne does the loading and arranges the freight, the Shepherd can help him and I’ll need them both with the heavy lifting and stuff with the engine. I figure you and Shepherd can look after the money and maybe the paperwork, I ain’t very good at that and Jayne’d be hopeless.”


“I’d be glad to help with the money,” Book interrupted the incipient argument. “But won’t be able to assist with any crime you may become involved in.”

Jayne snorted and rolled his eyes and Kaylee waved that away. It was clear neither of them had even thought to involve him in any nefarious activities. “If we have to do some crime,” Kaylee started.

“And we will sometime,” Jayne said. “Crime pays better you know and lots of the good jobs go to ships bonded to the Feds.”

“I wouldn’t ask you to do nothing wrong Shepherd,” Kaylee looked at him earnestly. “That’s why you’d be perfect at looking after the money. You ain’t gonna steal it.”

“Hey!” Jayne snapped.

“So I gather you want me to cook Kaylee?” this time Inara intervened.

“If you can,” Kaylee nodded.


“Jayne can fly a shuttle.”

“How’d you know that?” Jayne was startled. He didn’t like folks knowing everything about him. That gave away all his advantages.

“You told us back in Canton remember?”

“Yeah, but that was just a shuttle, I ain’t never flown anything big.”

“I’m sure you could learn,” Inara said. “I’ve only had one or two lessons myself so we can work on it together. Wash must have flight manuals somewhere that we could consult.”

“So you’re trusting me with the flying, but not the money?”

“Would you trust you with the money?”

“I don’t trust no-one.”

“Not even the Shepherd?”

“Even Shepherd’s have secrets,” Jayne looked at Book in a considering manner. “No offense Shepherd.”

mininanowrimo, fic, big bang, writing

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