Mininano entry 6

Nov 06, 2009 23:53

More big bang fic, though not may words. I'm citing too many meetings and a soocer game as my excuse!

327 words un-betaed fic

Jayne had obviously a few more ideas than she did as he had opened his bags and hauled out a pressure suit and one of his enormous guns.

“Best let me go first,” Jayne picked up Vera and exchanged a look with the Shepherd. “And stay here till I call you,” he added as he stepped through the hatch.

The ship was eerily silent as he moved toward the cargo bay, surveying his surroundings as he went. The engine was thrumming away which meant the air was working

He trailed the blood from the engine room to the bridge and found Mal lying only inches from the button Wash had made. He weren’t dead yet, but Jayne had seen plenty of folks shot in the stomach, and knew that nothing was going to save the Captain this time. If the Doc were around Mal might have a chance, but there was no way any of them could help him.

Stubborn as always, Mal opened his eyes and seeing Jayne there, struggled to talk. “Ship’s papers?”

“I know where they are,” Jayne nodded.

“Figures,” Mal coughed. “Had a good snoop did you?”

Jayne shrugged. It always paid to know what was going on around you. Checking out the Captain’s quarters had been high on his list the minute he’d come on board. It was where the extra coin was kept and the real ships’ logs, things he’d need if leaving in a hurry...or taking over. He hadn’t expected that Mal knew about that though. The Captain sure played his cards close to his chest. “Don’t matter now, does it?” he asked.

“Nope,” Mal was fading fast. “Don’t ‘spose it does.”

He didn’t say much after that, just talking on Jayne doing the right thing or some such, till he could’nt talk no more. Jayne just sat and listened and waited till Mal weren’t breathing. He studied the body for awhile, then sighed. He’d better go get the others.

mininanowrimo, fic, big bang, writing

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