
Oct 28, 2009 22:07

My Star Trek DVD came today! *twirls* I got The limited edition complete with Enterprise statuette, because yes I am a geek :)

The LG being away at school camp I got to watch it without interruption and it was as good as I remembered. A repeat viewing will be order again very soon - perhaps tonight! *grins*

The movie has brought me back full circle - because Star Trek and Doctor Who was where I first started reading fan fic. Damn near 30 years ago now... Of course in those days (this is a topic for another ramble) I never read slash - but Firefly converted me and I read it now a lot :D

Here's some recs - both gen and slash...

I blame _beetle_ for my liking of McCoy/Chekov - Check out The Fortune-Verse, starting with Fortune's favor.

How to avoid kicking puppies and other valuable lessons in leadership by sparky77. In which Jim attempts to discipline his crew.

Technical difficulties by vivid_butterfly. Sulu/Chekov - What happens when Chekov's life monitor goes dead when on an away mission?

Twice shy by sarkasticfics. Kirk/McCoy AU - Werewolves in space. The angst and sex are awesome :D

Next time - some Merlin recs...

star trek, fic rec

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