What the Captain doesn't know won't hurt him : prompt #8

Jun 16, 2006 21:28

Title: What the Captain doesn’t know won’t hurt him
Prompt #8: Flippant : marked by disrespectful levity or casualness
Characters: Jayne/Kaylee, Book, Inara
Rating: PG
Word count: 1080
Comments: a collaboration between squish_67 and myself. Previous chapter and links to table here

Prompt #8 Flippant

“Is it time for your charge to be in bed?” questioned Book on seeing Kaylee heading toward Jayne’s bunk.

“Charge?” Inara asked coming down the passageway.

The Shepherd shot Kaylee a remorseful look; he hadn’t meant to draw attention to her secret like that.

“It’s alright Shepherd,” she reassured him. “River and Simon already know and I guess so long as no-one lets on to the Captain it’ll be fine.”

“Lets on to the Captain about what?”

“Misty,” Kaylee held the kitten out for Inara to see.

“Isn’t she sweet?” The companion reached out her hand to pet the soft fur, laughing at the paw that shot out to play with her fingers. “Where did she come from and where have you been hiding...” Her voice trailed off as she realised where they were standing.

Frowning slightly, Kaylee seized the opportunity to ask something that was troublin’ her. “Shepherd, if Misty got found who would get into trouble?”

“Jayne would be the most likely, I suspect.”

“But if he told the Captain it was me talked him into it?”

Book was kind but firm. “You’re like the Captain’s little sister child, he’d grumble at you and be cross. But Jayne would receive the most anger.”

The Shepherd often thought the Captain too hasty with Jayne. He relied on the man, depended on him somewhat, but wasn’t very good at praising a job well done. Of course Jayne wasn’t good at receiving criticism either and tended to have a short fuse where the Captain was concerned.

“’Spose yer right.” Kaylee turned to the Companion who was listening with interest. “I better put Misty away now ‘Nara, Jayne worries ‘bout her.”

“Come and talk to me later, mei mei,” Inara suggested, “and tell me all about Misty’s adventures.”

Kaylee nodded punched in the code and shocking her friend, descended the ladder into Jayne’s bunk.

“Did she just go into Jayne’s bunk? I thought no-one was allowed in there.”

“No-one except kittens and Kaylee,” Book replied, still a mite bemused by the fact that the girl was apparently allowed to come and go at will whether the mercenary was there or not.


Kaylee gently placed the kitten on the floor of the bunk, watchin’ absently as Misty jumped straight onto the bed and turned round a couple of times on the pillow. It was real obvious she was welcome there.

“Sleep here all the time, do ya?” The mechanic chucked the kitten under the chin seein’ again the scene from the other night, Jayne asleep; Misty curled up on his chest. “I think yer gettin’ spoilt.”

Kaylee resolutely pushed away the memory of her own body sinkin’ against warm, sleepy Jayne and looked around the bunk at the additions there. As well as the litter box, food dishes and toy, Misty now had a very practical, knotted cat climbin’ frame hanging from bulkhead to bulkhead and more toys which were obviously allowed to litter the floor!

She hadn’t really pictured the big man gettin’ all attached and he was, though he’d never admit it, and she certainly hadn’t thought of him bein’ the one that got into trouble neither. Chi gu niang!

Simon’s flippant remark made her mad, Jayne’s angry exit made her sorry. He’d only been helpin’ her and takin’ care of Misty. Givin’ the kitten a partin’ pat she went to find and talk to him.


Rich stretched gratefully. He liked that his ship was swift and manoeuvrable, but he would’ve preferred somethin’ with a bit more space. Somethin’ like the Firefly they’d been followin’.

Checkin’ for the last time that Serenity was still headin’ for Columbus, he had Tom slip their ship away and turn for the planet. He intended to be down and landed long before his prey arrived.

Serenity. What a name. ‘Course the captain was apparently some ex-Independent, but why call yer boat after a lost battle? Made him think that the crew that flew it might be easier to take than he thought.

Surveyin’ the four gunhands in front of him, he began to make plans for Cobb’s capture and the possible takin’ of the Firefly.

He didn’t intend for Jayne to die straight away, so had to make sure that these men would be capable of separatin’ him from the rest of the crew and then containin’ him.

They appeared well and truly capable, but not too gorram trustworthy if he was any judge. He’d have to keep an eye on them.


Jayne was pushing the crates around with only half his mind on the job. Mal was right, they did need tidyin’, the bay was a mess.

Still the Captain’s attitude and the Doc’s words had rubbed him the wrong way.

At least the crazy girl only he would get spaced, not the kitten and after tomorrow there’d be no more problems. They’d be planetside and Kaylee’d be lookin’ for a home for Misty.

Determined to stay outta trouble and have some peace, Jayne swore to himself that next time Kaylee asked him to do something he was gonna say no. And here came the girl herself, so he could practise sayin’ it.

“Misty alright?” he asked.

“She’s fine, real comfortable in yer bunk.” Kaylee’s glance was first teasin’ and then all serious like. “Ya know I didn’t set out to cause ya trouble. I just wanted somewhere to hide her.”

“I know that girl. I’m just ornery sometimes and can’t keep my temper.”

“Well that ain’t news.” She smiled at him cheerfully, knowin’ that that was as personal as the man was gonna get. “I’m gonna help with the boxes.”

“Are ya gonna chatter the whole time?”

Kaylee giggled at him, eyes shinin’. “Well maybe not the whole time.”

“Yer gonna smile at me instead, ain’t ya?”

Kaylee grasped hold of one of the lighter boxes. “A little smilin’ never hurt anybody,” she retorted.

“Huh.” Jayne frowned at her, his mood lightenin’. “Just don’t let me catch ya carryin’ anythin’ too heavy.”

“No Jayne.” Kaylee gave him a fake demure look.

“Smart ass,” he muttered as they fell into their usual comfortable rhythm of working together.

Chi gu niang = silly girl

misty, jaylee, table, firefly

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